Rav Nochum Zeldes ZATZAL

candle5.gifYeshivaworld regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rav Nochum Zeldes ZATZAL the President of Lakewood’s BMG. The Levaya will take place at 5:00PM in the BMG main Bais Medrash. He was a Talmid of Hagoen Rav Aharon Kotler ZATZAL when the Yeshiva was in Kletzk, and then when the Yeshiva opened in Lakewood NJ.

“A Kletzker, his entire life was intertwined with the Yeshiva, learning, supporting, and helping it run in every way. His life literally was Bais Medrash Govoha”, Rabbi Aron Kotler told Yeshivaworld in a statement.

Yehi Zichro Boruch….

10 Responses

  1. baruch dayan emes
    what a loss
    he was a heilige yid that was oimel betorah & learned b iyum atzum, he davened vasikin everyday, & made his way to yeshiva even in the biggest snowfalls.

    zecher tzadik levrocho

  2. we lost a huge link to preveous doros, a true adom gadol, a close lalmid of rav aharon zt”l . he kept the kletzker fire alive.klal yisrael and lakewood will miss him. baruch dayan emes.

  3. Boruch Dayan HaEmes

    Reb Nachum z”l was my father”s Z”l business partner for 30 years. I knew him for some of those years. He was a true dugmah chaya of a person with Toirah Ugdulah bmakoim echad.

    My father O”H used to always talk to us about the tremendous chesed that Reb Nochum had. My father l was always very busy in his askanus in Crown Heights and Lubavitch in general and Reb Nochum always encouraged him to be even more involved even though that often meant the Reb Nochum would have to spend more time and energy in the business. My father always confided in Reb Nochum on his askanus matters and Reb Nochums advice was very valuable and respected to my father.

    On chof ches adar last year my father felt a strong need to go visit Reb Nochum in Lakewood. My father made the trip and had a very meaningful time with his old partner and mentor. Within two weeks of that visit, my father, suddenly took ill and was nifter. Reb Nachum called our family to tell us how much that visit meant to him.

    Zol er zain a gute better.

  4. Hespedim were said By Rav Malkiel Kotler, Reb Osher Chaim Leiberman, Reb Dovid Rosenbaum and Rav abba Brudny – his son in law. The levaya then went to JFK. Reb Nochum was born in Baranovitch, where his father was a melamed. After learning By reb Elchonon zl, he went to learn in Kletzk and kept a lifetime shaichos with BMG. After retiring in the mid 1980’s he moved to Lakewood where he spent all his time involved in Torah, Avodah, gemilus Chasodim. He davened vosikin daily except Shabbos and Yomtov where davened in the main Bais Medrash. He had one son Shimon and 3 daughters – one married to rav abba Brudny, one to R Zissel Ellinson a tremendous loss for all. Yehee Zichro Boruch

  5. Shiva will be at the Niftar’s home.

    131 Village Path
    Lakewood, NJ 08701

    Shachris: 7:30 AM
    Mincha: 7:45 PM
    Maariv: 8:50 PM

    At the request of the family, please do not come after 10 p.m.

    The family will get up from Shiva on Sunday morning.

  6. Rav Nochum was a person we can learn many things from:

    1) He was always moser nefesh to daven in his minyan kavua – no matter how hard or painful his situation was

    2)He was always early to his learning seder.

    3)He cared very much about Klal Yisroel

    4) He was very thought out in all his matters

    May he be a Meilitz Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel

  7. I believe that R’ Nachum’s father. R. Yoshe Ber, was a magid shiur in R. Elchonon’s yeshiva, not just a melamed.

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