London: Jewish Judge Declines Hate Trial

court hammer1.jpgAccording to the Jewish Chronicle, a Jewish judge has stepped down from an antisemitic assault case after asking whether the defendant objected to him hearing it.

Waeil Hammed, 38, was convicted of racial abuse and racially aggravated assault at St Albans Crown Court. But before the jury was sworn in, the original judge, David Altaras, revealed that his parents were of Jewish origin and asked if there were any objection to him sitting. After consultation with his barrister, Hammed asked for a different judge and the case was transferred.

One Response

  1. The Judge did the right thing, if he contiuned on to trial, the defendent could have claimed bias by the judge and he conviction may have been overtuned. At least now the animai will stay caged up where he belongs.

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