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12:30AM EST: Group of Lost Hikers From Klausenberg Camp Found

A group of 15-20 people from Klausenberg Camp (Kauneonga Lake) got lost in the woods near the Ice Cave Mountains in Minnewaska State Park. Boruch Hashem they had cell phones and called Hatzolah for help.
The Catskill Hatzolah Coordinators, Boruch Gibbs and Yidel Feig quickly contacted Rabbi Bernard Freilich, who together with Simcha Bernath (Sullivan County Sheriff Dept. Chaplain) and Yanky Meyer from Misaskim organized search teams from various local and State agencies.

Bichasdei Hashem, they were located at approximately 12:30AM – in heavy rain – by the Pallisades Forest Rangers.

The Askonim told Yeshivaworld of the amazing cooperation between Hatzolah and the various agencies – including the Elllenville FD, State Police, Ulster County Sheriff Department, Palisades Forest Rangers and many others.

The group was being checked by Hatzolah. But Boruch Hashem – besides being very wet – all seem to be fine.

10 Responses

  1. is this hiker-getting-lost situation always been around or is just that we have yeshiva world now to report every one?

  2. Maybe the message is….Everything that happens in our physical world has a parallel in our spiritual world. So maybe all these incidents are to point out to us that our youth are getting “lost” spiritually and they need “better directions” and “better guidance” on how to stay on the “right path” and not get lost, and chas v’shalom, lose their lives in this world. That our youth are heading in the wrong directions that will not bring them happiness – and that we adults have to steer them back onto the right path – not with harshness but with love!

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