UPDATED 8/10/07 Dov Hikind To Join Protest At NYC Chancellor’s Office

hikind1.jpgAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) will be joined by community leaders, concerned citizens, and elected officials to demand the removal of Debbie Almontaser as principal from The Khalil Gibran School, set to open for the September 2007 school term. “Almontaser just doesn’t get it. How can she possibly, transmit to students in an experimental Arab school that some Muslim words have been used to justify killing innocent men, women and children? When she sanctioned ‘Intifada NYC’ t-shirts, she completely undermined the intent of the Khalil Gibran International Academy. She has tainted the whole concept of this school with her outrageous comments,” said Hikind.
“I have personally spoken with scores of New Yorkers who are very concerned about where a school like this would go. They legitimately want to know if school projects would laud Hezbollah leader Nasrallah? Would Israel’s Independence Day be treated as a Yawm al-Nakba, a catastrophic anniversary?”
Sunday, August 12th, 10:00AM – at the NYC Department of Education Headquarters, 52 Chambers Street, New York City (between Broadway and Centre Street).

UPDATE: Dov Hikind has informed Yeshivaworld, that the scheduled protest has been cancelled since she has resigned from her job.

24 Responses

  1. Are we going to start with the ‘Bash Dov’ campaign or can we ever say THANK YOU to Mr. Hikind for bringing important issues (are you anxious for a sleeper terror cell institute to evolve)ti the forefront? THANKS DOV!

  2. dov we are in golus

    Comment by noshoichis — August 9, 2007 @ 3:25 pm

    i beg to disagree being in golus in no way should stop us from protesting and trying to stop ideas that will eventually bring more anti semetisim to this country
    what being in golus means is dont drive the latest model car or build mansions try to be low key and lets not call attention to ourselves
    we dont have to rip out others eyes and flaunt our sucess with our wealth for those who have it

  3. >we are in golus

    Which is presumably the cause for the stupid things we hear.

    Yet another reason for the Geula.

  4. I have no idea if its a good idea — gotta ask the Gedolim (an area Dov’s known to be weak in) — but timing a rally for a Sunday morning during the summer is begging for disgrace.

  5. How about posting a link so people can read more about this before universally condemning her?? I think most people reading this news article are seeing it for the first time and it is ludicrous to form an immediate opinion about something which has scant information provided. That is true for me, certainly, so ….more info please. Thanks. A gitten

  6. art how do you know who Dov confers with and when? You the gabbai for the Vaad haGedolim…
    Summer is a good time, many mature educators & principals of all nationalities are free to rally, and particularly BEFORE the school term begins. (Will you be available asseres yima teshuva instead?)
    This is not the first time news about this Arab school has been covered, there has been talk about this the entire year, stressing the Koran and fundamendalist teachings that are planned.

  7. the comment we are in golus -as the it was quoted does dov hikind have a rov he consults -demostrating does not get rid of anti semites

  8. Thanks, Dov, for being the leader of integrity and courage that you have always been — and we know that you always will be!

  9. Any restriction of free speech is dangerous in a free society. It will ultimately be used asgainst Yidden in the worst way. I would think the NYC public school system would have some type of minimum dress code, i.e., students cannot show up to class in bathing suits. I would think there would be something in there under obscenity or advocating violence that would prohibit any mode of dress or actions that could reasonably (and we know that out Moslem brethren are not known for being famous in this area) be interpreted as advocating violence. Someone needs to go through the school regs and find an existing rule or make one that would limit things relating to violence in the same fashion as one is prohibited from calling out “FIRE!” in a crowded theatre.

  10. While I thank Dov for his involvement in projects like this, I have lost much admiration for Dov, since his decision to back a certain candidate for Civil Court Judge. I am very disappointed, as should all those who are familiar with the situation.

  11. What chutzpa you have to knock Dov before you can even say thank you.If he hadn’t have said anything or arranged the demonstration,would you have? Nah,seems like you’d be to busy pointing fingers at people who TO YOUR KNOWLEDGE don’t have a rav.Your right,a person should hav a rav with whom he could ask questions and advice to.But,first of all,how do you know he doesn’t have one.Second,why exactly (if you think it is at all) is it your position to worry about this (if you don’t think it’s right,I’m sure you can somehow avoid that terrible demonstration – Oh! I have an idea;DON’T GO!)Third,why do you have to stir up this sinah,lashon hara and start talking about HIM?Give credit where credit is due [it’s a good midah]The point is that this subject has been in the news for some time already,it’s nearing the new semester and we haven’t accomplished anything yet. Hopefully b’ezras hashem,our hishtadlus will accomplish something.How ’bout YOU contribute to the society;daven that hakadosh baruch Hu should be meifer atzasam [have in mind too by vla’malshinim].

  12. There are a few things.
    We are in Golus, but we do have a right to protest, IF DAAS TORAH ALLOWS IT.
    An example where Daas Torah opposed portesting and Dov Hikind went ahead anyway is the Gideon Bush Story. I heard a few rabbonom saying that we shouldn’t protest and …..
    So what Dov should do and he does really mean well is to get rabbonim to endorse his idea and then announce that he is protesting with the blessings of Rabbi so and so….
    Thannk you Dov for your initiatives on behalf of the Jews, but don’t forget our Gedolim

  13. Dov Hikind should spend his time figuring out a way to save jewish kids from going off the derech. Stop wasting your time with these silly issues and do something constructive. In my eyes its all a publicity stunt. I think that is what he does best.

  14. being in galus doesnt mean we have to be quiet on everything. that is a stupid comment that is made far too many times on this blog.


  16. GREAT NEWS!!! Threat of a protest by Jews and others made her run, exactly what the gedolim probably advised Dovie.

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