Five Towns Ticket Wins Big; Anti-Orthodox Election Propaganda Backfires

[12:15AM EST:] Despite a nasty campaign where opponents of the Orthodox Jewish candidates for School Board and Library Board engaged in apparent anti-Orthodox propaganda, all four frum candidates for School Board and Library Board won by a landslide.

Congratulations to School Board President Murray Foreman and Vice President Dr. Asher Mansdorf on their re-elections. Congratulations, as well, to the newest members of the library board Sarah Yastrab & Jeff Leb. Jeff is the former Chief of Staff to Councilman Jim Gennaro and succeeded now NYC Councilman David Greenfield as the Executive Director of the influential Sephardic Community Federation public policy organization.

The next battle for the five towns crew: fighting County Legislator Howard Kopel’s plan to split the five towns Orthodox Jewish community in half.

(Eli Gefen – YWN)

7 Responses

  1. The next battle for the five towns crew: fighting County Legislator Howard Kopel’s plan to split the five times Orthodox Jewish community in half.

    Why does he feel this is necessary? Does he feel threatened?

  2. Please explain how the article represents in any way that this is Howie Kopel’s plan number one and number two that MY community is going to battle our friend and neighbor who has worked so diligently for the best interest of our community. This is irresponsible reporting, in my opinion, and I would like to understand why YWN would choose to start such a rumor.

  3. #1, this redistricting plan shows that despite the Republican trolls here, the Republican party will be quite happy to throw us under the bus for political advantage. The Orthodox community in Riverdale was split into three state senate districts by the Republican gerrymander nine years ago.

  4. Howard Kopel has nothing to do with the redistricting – he has no authority to redistrict (or even propose to redistrict) as County Legislator. This was a nasty rumor that was started by his Democrat opponents and is being propagated in the press.

  5. #4 Charlie
    In Borough Park we have the same issue or even worse…our own so called orthodox Dov Hikind is looking to split us up in 6 districts ….essentially making our votes and voices and concerns unheard.

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