A large Yom Tefillah took place this afternoon in Meah Shearim due to the recent tragedies which took place. Tehillim and Selichos were said, followed by a powerful Drasha by the Gavad Yerushalyim.
A large Yom Tefillah took place this afternoon in Meah Shearim due to the recent tragedies which took place. Tehillim and Selichos were said, followed by a powerful Drasha by the Gavad Yerushalyim.
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10 Responses
Where was this advertised? Who attended?
Can they also make a statement banning Violent Hafganah’s?
I heard announcements in Mea Shearim all day and the crowd seemed to be mostly a Mea Shearim type crowd. It was very moving. There have been posters up in the past in the name of the Beis Din forbidding any kind of violence.
Our rebbeim and parents have to really take the initiative and teach safety to our children, thats the bottom line.
#4 We all agree everyone has to be more careful and teach their kids to be more careful. This doesn’t change the fact that when tragedy strikes it not only our mistakes that cause them. When tragedy occurs you need to turn to shamayim in tefillah and everyone should do self introspection. Why do so many people (i don’t mean #4) run away and try to avoid these episodes as having a purpose. Don’t be scared of the truth.
When’s the YomTefillah planned for New York?
Lubavitch had a Yom Tefillah Wednesday night.
כיון שניתן רשות למשחית אינו מבחין בין צדיקים לרשעים ולא עוד אלא שמתחיל מן הצדיקים תחילה
(.ב”ק דף ס)
If you would really like a hirhur tshuva, see Yerushalmi Yevamos 8:3
May H’ accept the T’feeloth of Clal Yisraeael in all there places.
What is a Gavad Y-m, and who is he, please?
I think the Gavad-y-m refers to the Rav of the Eideh Achereidus and that would be Rav Tuviah Weiss.