UPDATED 5:31PM EST: Miracle in Boro Park

(Click HERE to view photos of the area which literally looks like a war-zone.) YW receives many emails complaining about all the bad news that’s posted on the website, so here is some good news. After personally viewing the destruction caused by this mornings freak-storm to hit the Boro Park / Bay Ridge area, it is a miracle that dozens of people were not injured or R”L killed. Bichasdei Hashem the storm struck early in the morning, and few people were on the streets.

National Weather Service Meteorologists have confirmed an EF2 tornado touchdown in bay Ridge and vicinity in Brooklyn this morning.

The tornado path was discontinuous and started in Bay Ridge sometime just after 6:30AM today on Bay Ridge Avenue between 3rd and 4th Avenues. It then continued on an East-Northeast path across 68th Street between 3rd & 4th Avenue.

The tornado returned to the ground as another pocket of significant damage occurred on 58th Street between 5th and 6th Avenues. 

Winds were recorded up to 135 MPH.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Wednesday’s storm created chaos on mass transit and unfortunately left one person dead in Staten Island.

13 Responses

  1. Thanks for all the news you provide. We cant always have the news we want. i’m just thankful I can get it here and not from TV.
    May we takeh always hear B’Sirois Toivois.

  2. YW Editor. Thanks for the pics, but it is obvious, young fellow, that you have never been to a war zone if you think that this is what a war zone looks like. (May you never need to see one)

    Keep up the good work.


  3. its a fact that people like to hear only good news . but its good that y”w prints sad news also bec. then people see that there is a god that does what he wants. & when he brings bad things apon klal yisrael he means it for your own good that you should listen to what he says & do whatever the torah says. by the way this is all from the gemarah that says that all the bad things that happen in the world even if it happens by the non jews (like the bridge that clappsed last week) hashem is trying to hint us to do good things & not bad things. but of course when something bad happens to a diffrent yid then it is a bigger wake up call for us ……. I heard from the rosh yeshiva from stamferd harav dovid hersh mayer zt”l that elul & yom kipper comes after the summer is bec. to teshuvah on all the sins from the summer bain hazmanim … v’hamaven yoven !!!!! let us all be zoceh to do teshuvah & only good things.

  4. LAKEWOOD MASMID: ” the sins from the summer bain hazmanim … v’hamaven yoven !!!!!”

    Speak for yourself!! And maybe you should change your Bain Hazmanim venues so you will not have these problems in the first place. There are many kosher and ruchniyus ways of spending your vacation….v’hamaven yoven!!!!!

  5. Chasdai Hashem Ki lo samnu. My Alarm rings at 6:15 at 6:35 I am usually walking to my car. This morning I overslept the alarm and woke up at 6:36 to what sounded like a roaring frieght train passing my house. My chimminy was damaged and a window was blown out. In my backyard an 8 ft table was blown about 30ft and landed on top of a 7ft high shed. (how do I get you a pic?)B”h no one was hurt.

  6. In regard to the recent storm – i went to a speech last night and Rabbi Wallerstein from Ohr Naava pointed out that we need to pay attention to what happened at this storm – listen to waht the news said… there was hi pressure, low pressure…. this cause that reason etc….LOOK at how G-d manages his universe, HE didnt merely hit the whole brooklyn with a TOrnado or Not a tornado, Hashem wove his way through – some areas were completely wrecked with several trees and awnings uprooted…. and others werent even touched in the slightest way, one side of ocean parkway was damaged and right across on the other side, it was fine. is hashem not trying to point at us and say – yidden, i run the world, and nothing is nature, its all me??!?!? and everything that goes on in this world is my decision and was done with a cheshbon!

  7. 23. Mitzvah Request for Brooklyn Tornado Victims
    Posted by: “B W” [email protected] twicechai
    Date: Wed Aug 8, 2007 10:16 pm ((PDT))

    Posting for Victims of the Brooklyn Tornado of Wednesday, AUGUST 8, 2007:

    The tornado ripped through this young, frum couple’s apartment located in Brooklyn. Besides destroying their furniture (baby’s crib, etc.), ripping out their windows, air conditioner and flooding their apartment, it demolished their 1992 car. They have no insurance for apartment/car.

    If you have an automobile that you do not need and would like to give to this couple it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you, Tzku Lmitzvot! Bracha

    From The Five Towns Shuls Website

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