Litoeles Horabim: Traveling to Lake George?

lg cover.jpgPeople could contact [email protected] for information on Minyanim and Kosher food in the Albany – Lake George area. You can also call 518-522-8478 for more info. The Lake George Minyan is now behind “The Magic Forest” Children’s Amusement Park 1/4 mile east of Route 9 in a field at 71 Bloody Pond Road.  Look for white tent on the left of the road.

[Lake George Village’s Main Street) go South on Route 9 approx 1 mile past the Lake. The Magic Forest  (and the giant Uncle Sam) will be on your right.  Minyan is located in big white tent on Bloody Pond Rd 1/4 mile behind The Magic Forest. 8 am shachris, 8 pm mincha maariv.]

14 Responses

  1. Litoeles Horabim, zits eingeleigt. Running around to Lake George, New Mexico, wherever, is not appropriate for Frum people, not to mention unsafe, as it seems to bring out reckless & dangerous behavior in our crowd. Just read the news of all the tragedies this summer.

  2. Well said, #2. I also think 13th and Clifton Aves. are not appropriate, either. Is Lancaster permissible? I think we can learn from the Amish, really. Not from the Amish themselves, but from their horses. Frum yidden should wear blinders and see only what must be seen and be only where they must. This generation seems to feel that they can do things that they WANT to, things that are absolutely unnecessary in the greater scheme of things, things that are inherently unsafe (when it causes them to be reckless). This sort of behavior is likely the main reason for kids at risk today. It may not be the behavior itself: it’s the permissiveness and general attitude parents are handing down to their children, be it in the Catskills, Lake George or the Poconos. It’s the attitude that we can do things that are not important, leading, logically, to kids thinking that anything their parents do, MAYBE INCLUDING YIDDISHKEIT, is not important.

  3. #3
    I wonder if you realize it is the very blinders you advocate, and PC, that drive teens astray.
    No one stays locked up.

  4. I was very moved by some of the comments on the article about the dangers in the Catskills. One of the posters was himself a youth at risk and is now himself in chinuch. He agreed with many of the comments that it is important that we give our children a positive supervised outlet. Not everything is Ossur.

    Now the comments come rolling in from those that feel that Lake George is inappropriate! Maybe we should make sure not to let our children have any change of scenery – EVER. Perhaps we can lock them in a closet. Then for sure they will grow up to be well balanced and not “youths at risk”.

    Why not have a positive outlook. What a beautiful idea. Parents actually spending time with their children. Traveling to the mountains to see the beautiful scenery and get fresh air. And what a lesson the children can have! Does the father wake up early and daven with a minyan and set time aside for learning even when on vacation. Does the mother dress tzniusdik away from home? On a vacation like this, strong potent memories are formed and tremendous positive lifelong lessons in chinuch can be absorbed by our children. How much effort is made by the parent to make sure they have foods with appropriate hechsherim, and appropriate utensils (I love watching people toiveling new grills at vacation waterways!) Our children will learn that they and their parents go on vacation – but yiddishkeit doesn’t!


  5. what is harmfull about taking your kids to lake george on a family trip and showing them that even on vacation we are shomer torah u’mitzvos, we daven with a minyan and keep kosher and continue to dress like we should. maybe if we did that and spent time with our kids and showing them we can enjoy life and still keep the torah how we should are kids wouldn’t be at risk be it in the mountains or at home in our back yards

  6. Lake George harmful or not, Heimishe people pass there daily on the New York-Montreal routh.

    BTW there is also a Minyan in Saratoga Springs where the Belze Yeshiva resides in the summer weeks.

  7. thank you to all the rabbis and mentors on yeshivaworld. we were going to go to lake george next week, but since all of you very choshive people said that its ossur i guess we will stay home.
    (get a life)

  8. We stopped in Lake George last week on the way back from a business trip to Vermont. The local major supermarket (Price Chopper) advertises that store as the one stop for kosher food between Albany and Montreal. Granted the Albany kosher store is stocked azoy vee es darf tzi zan but the LG store was not much different than walking in to any NYC area major supermarket that happens to have a few items that are kosher.

    What a disappointment!

  9. Its okay there is a Minyan in Lake George but that should not encourage a person with yiraas shamayim to go there and spend his precious time in a tumadik place.Maybe the frum community should make a vacationing resort that is fit to frum standards.

  10. As Yitschok commented The Belzer Yeshiva Ktana is also in Saratoga for the summer and coincidently I once exited there for gas I had no idea that there are yidden there and was amazed to come upon a Yeshiva! so I stopped for Mincha they have a beautiful new building there and I must say the Davening there was trully uplifting A true kiddush Hashem what eidile and chushiva bachurim the shmonei esra there took over twice as long as usual! The Yeshiva is located right off the Saratoga Springs exit and by the way I was offered some refreshements there as well!
    All I can say is make sure you stop over the next time you pass by!

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