5th Annual PCCS BBQ Tonight In Flatbush

pccs.gifTonight, August 7th at 7:00PM is the 5th annual PCCS Flatbush BBQ on east 22nd and ave I (dead end block) hosted by our dear friends and supporters the Rand Family.

Pediatric Cancer Care Society and its subsidiary division Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society is the most unique organization out there paying health insurance premiums for cancer patients and there family’s, we all know that health insurance can run anywhere from $800-$1500 a month and if someone gets diagnosed with cancer and are unable to keep up with the financial burden RCCS pays there health insurance giving them the chance to go to the top doctors without having to worry if the doctors accept that insurance. I can go on with story’s of the importance of this organization but by attending the bb-q on Tuesday you will see for yourself that “We Fund Miracles”.

PCCS is a division that started 5 years ago in beloved memory of Tzipporah Faiga Gelb A”H and its focus was paying insurance for kids with cancer (if your aware in the insurance world this is considered a family policy with its premium’s double then a single policy) since its existence PCCS has paid over 269 of those policy’s and in Flatbush alone they paid 28 policy’s since our last bb-q, my friend 28 of our neighbors have gotten help from RCCS.

When we did our 3rd annual bb-q you the community in Flatbush asked us to change it to 3rd annual FLATBUSH bb-q since this event is considered the official bb-q of Flatbush. And once again this Tuesday will be the 5th annual Flatbush bb-q. my friends this year more then ever we need you to attend show our founder & president R’ Hershel Kohn that we appreciate all he does for our community and we ask him to continue helping our neighbors our friends.


Nachum segal show live

Wine tasting (by Aron Zimmerman)

Sushi bar (by Ossies)

Gourmet BB-Q ( by our chef Elly Berman )

Desserts (by Elegant)

Multi media presentation

Special guest speaker ( you don’t want to miss)

World famous singer & entertainer

Devria chizuk (R” Dovid Weinberger)

Great raffles

Grand prize win a free car lease (graciously sponsored by New York Auto

And much much more

M’arriv at 9:45PM

This is one event you don’t want to miss!!!! We do ask due to the
seriousness of this cause, this evening is reserved for adults only,

The evening is dedicated

In memory of  [Mrs..Chedva Freidel Bas Avrohom David Rand A”H]
L’refuha Shlema [Yehuda Ben Hadassah Hinda Malka]

5 Responses

  1. An inspiring event. I was amazed at the beautiful turnout and daven for the day when all yeshi’es have benn sent min shumayim.

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