Rudy Giuliani To Speak At Shul In Flatbush

rudy.jpgPlease join members of the Jewish community in welcoming Rudy Giuliani to Brooklyn on Monday, August 13th at Congregation Shaare Zion. Invite your family, friends and colleagues and come hear Mayor Giuliani speak. Congregation Shaare Zion 2030 Ocean Parkway between Ave’s T and U. Doors Open at 7:00PM – Program Starts at 7:30 PM – Tickets are $40 per Adult.

8 Responses

  1. if he’s coming to attract votes when why should i pay, & if not what has he got to say that i am interested in except how to become wealthy!?!? and if he’s speaking about that it is worth a lot more than 40 bucks!!!

  2. It prob. goes to his campaign. 40 bucks is a small price to pay if it’s going to keep Hilary Rotten Clinton, her thighness (as per Mark Levin) out of office.

  3. i had a hard time inviting my friends , it seems they were loath to be m’vatel their chavrusos to hear a politian speak.they asked me “what about betul torah”? ,”it’s right before elul”, ” leiv malochim v’sorim b’yad Hashem”.but i told them if the Yeshiva World says to go YOU must go.

  4. The $40 is going to the Shul, probably. I imagine Mr. Giuliani wouldn’t show up anywhere without getting at least $50,000 for his time, even if it is to benefit him politically, so the shul has to recoup that.

  5. the money is going to the campaign. its a fundraiser, and there are other people (syrians) giving big buc$$$.

    though i generally support him, will anyone ask him about the “arbeit macht frei” incident before he became mayor???

    (when he was federal district attorney, he had some jews arrested in public and kept in a courthouse room with a blackboard there that said “arbet macht frei”. the person, who was later found inncocent (lucky him) was a holocaust survivor. this is well documented at the time of his first campaign, and he admitted it was true, but never supplied a reason why such words would even appear in a blackboard in one of his offices. of course, if you ask him today, he’ll say he doesnt know what you’re talking about.)

  6. There is a ticket charge because you don’t have a chance to win without having funds, especially if he faces Hilary Clinton in the general election. $40 dollar is low. Usually fund raisers cost $1000 a person.

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