Cuomo ‘Optimistic’ NY Will Legalize Same-Gender Marriage

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, closely allied with the Senate Republican majority that once blocked same-gender marriage, says he’s now optimistic it will be legalized in New York.

The Democrat says he believes the Senate will produce the 32 votes needed for passage in the six weeks remaining in the legislative session.

Both sides are girding for a showdown after the bill’s surprising defeat in 2009.

More than 700 Protestant and Jewish clergy members endorsed same-gender marriage Tuesday, an attempt to blunt the opposition of Catholic leaders. A rally in support of legalization is planned for next week.

On the other side, Democratic Sen. Ruben Diaz plans a May 15 rally in the Bronx for what he says is defense of traditional marriage between a man and woman.

(Source: NY Post)

8 Responses

  1. With the help of the Ribono Shel Olam, Klal Yisroel will be successful in rising up against this travesty and successfully opposing it.

  2. “More than 700 Protestant and Jewish clergy members endorsed same-gender marriage Tuesday”

    it should be mentioned that those “jewish clergy members” are definetly not orthodox and all rabbonim will ,can , and do oppose such a to’evah

  3. truthfully im not sure why such an article is posted on YWN , isnt this the reason why we have YWN? so we dont have to hear about such disgusting things?

  4. It got 24 votes the last time. 2 more votes were obtained in the 2010 election. That still makes him 6 votes short. Are 6 State Senators really going to change their position? The Republicans will lose seats because of redistricting for the 2012 election so it is much more likely to be enacted in 2013.

  5. Gevald! It’s left to the Catholics to fly the flag of authentic values. Maybe more Jewish clergy need to speak out – surely we can get ore than 700 orthodox rabbis to sign a letter

  6. Charlie: You are incorrect about 2013, as the Republicans control redistricting for the Senate and will insure they keep their majority.

  7. Hopefully the forces of decency will prevail and prevent the acceptance of toaiyva “marriages”.

    But… realistically it is just a matter of time until this perversion IS legalized.

    We are sinking fast to the 49th level of tumah and need Mashiach DESPERATELY.

    What’s next? – The acceptance of pedophilia?!?

  8. Bogen,

    The redistricting has to pass the Assembly and get the Governor’s signature, too. But even if the Senate does convince the Assembly and the governor to enact an Incumbent Protection Act, there are limits to how much they can gerrymander: Republican areas upstate lost population, while Democratic areas downstate gained. Since a shift of only a single seat from R to D gives the Democrats control, the Rs need to find some other Democrat to defeat, which won’t be easy since almost all the Ds are in “packed” overwhelmingly D districts.

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