PHOTOS: Tomche Shabbos of Rockland County Responds to the Challenge

Late this past Sunday under the cover of darkness, Tomche Shabbos of Rockland County anonymously left large Pesach food packages at the doorsteps of 1022 families. Many of these families lost their jobs during this long recession. The total distribution included 50,000 lbs. of potatoes, 53,696 lbs of chicken, 29,750 dozen eggs, 1,100 cases of apple juice, 1,550 cases of seltzer, 9,500 lbs of hand shemurah matzoh, 1,000 cases of apples, 1,050 cases of oranges, 10,500 lbs of onions, 9,000 lbs. of carrots, 7,488 rolls of gefilte fish, romaine lettuce, and morror. This massive distribution was the result of the close coordination and volunteer efforts of numerous dedicated people from throughout the Monsey community.

In all cases, the drivers came from the other end of the community of where they made their deliveries. Thus, even though the driver knew the address to which he made his delivery, he was unaware of the identity of the recipient. The two people on opposite ends of the door never saw each other. No words were exchanged. Just a silent expression of concern between one Jew and another.

Tomche Shabbos of Rockland County operates each Thursday night with the same strong adherence to Hatzneiah Leches. No driver has ever known the identity of the person to whom he has made a delivery.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

4 Responses

  1. Mi Ka’amchu Yisroel! In this zechus may we all be zocha to eat the kurban pesach in our most beatiful home, the bais hamikdush, bakurov, umain!

  2. May H”B continue to bless those that run this Great organization where 110% of all money collected goes to the poor of rockland with zero hold back.
    I remember when Rockland’s Tomche Shabbos only had 75 families and was working out of a garage. May H”B see fit that our communities should be blessed and be able to put more families to work and not be in need.

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