PHOTOS: BPJCC & Met Council Hold Pesach Food Distribution For 2500 Families In Need

In an unprecedented effort to assure a joyous Pesach to more community members than ever before, the Boro Park Jewish Community Council (BPJJC) in conjunction with the Met Council, and Assemblyman Dov Hikind, Councilmen David Greenfield, Brad Lander, and Mathieu Eugene, hosted a massive two-day long Boro Park drive-thru Pesach food staples distribution on Monday-Tuesday, April 11th – 12th for approximately 2,500 families in need.

A typical Boro Park family received two cases of grape juice, two cases of apple juice, 15 dozen eggs, a  hefty sack of onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, a case of apples and more, food stuffs to last them throughout the eight Yom Tov days, and create happy memories long past then. 

The distribution came after weeks of devoted teamwork and meticulous planning and coordination. The BPJJC would like to thank the following individuals and groups who were responsible for the success of this complex operation: William Rapfogel, Met Council CEO; Benny Wechsler, Director of the Met Council Food Bank; Moishy Reichberg, who directed the drive-thru distribution operation; The Boro Park Shomrim Patrol (BSSP) who stood outside all day, braving very warm and uncomfortably humid 80 degree weather to ensure order; and New York’s Finest, Deputy Inspector John Sprague, Special Op. Lieutenant Jimmy Selleck, Sergeant Andreano, Det. Vinni Galeno, Community Affairs and Det. Mike Millici, Community Affairs, collectively members of the 66th Precinct.


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