Tisha B’av Tragedy in Negev

mda1.jpgA heart-wrenching tragedy occurred a few minutes ago near the Negev community of Nevatim – when a 2 year-old toddler was struck and killed by a train. Medics from Magen David Adom arrived just moments later, and pronounced the child R”L dead on the scene. (HNN)

6 Responses

  1. I recently learned that every time a discomfort happens to one of us,we must remember it is from Hashem,to make us feel the sadness of the missing destroyed Bais Hamikdash. This tragedy must be felt by K’lal Yisroyel all around the world. The family should find nechomo along with those who mourn for Yerusholem.

  2. vehachai yiten el libo.
    Whoever hears about a tragedy and feels hurt about it should take it to heart.
    Many sad things happen that we don’t hear about. They are meant to awaken the people who know them. Since we, readers of yeshivaworld, now know about this tragedy we should all try to do something to become closer to Hashem. At least one mitzva but it can also be a resolution for years to come. And it doesnt have to be posted.

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