Two Teens Lost in Rockland Forest Find Their Way Out

monsey chaveirim.jpgTwo 16 year-old girls got lost in the woods in Rockland County behind Kakiat Park (off Route 202) on Sunday afternoon, while taking a leisurely hike through the forest. Chaverim Of Rockland had received a frantic call from one of the hikers, & quickly contacted Ramapo Police & the Sherrif’s Dept. Teams were assembled to go into the forest and were waiting for a chopper to arrive to give them instructions from above – while Chaverim of Rockland stayed in constant contact with lost the hikers. As large search teams were being assembled to enter the forest, the two teenagers saw a street from their location, made their way out of the forest, and the search was called off. Boruch Hashem, they were reported to be in perfect condition and were in no need for any medical attention.

14 Responses

  1. B”H. Thanks for reporting a story with a good ending, especially Erev Tisha B’Av. We need more of these!

  2. even if you get lost for 10 minutes at 2 pm, always hike with water and a cell phone and call for help. better to laugh about it tomorrow then to cry about it today. wishing all a meaningful tisha b’av.

  3. I agree. I have also found that if you try and walk in the same direction long enough, you HAVE to come out at a road sooner or later. The trick is that many times in the woods you THINK you’re walking in a straight line, and we somehow have a tendency to walk around. I don’t know why that is, but I have read that it is true.

    I also have to take this opportunity to say goodbye to the YW community. It’s been good while I was here.

    Moderation Panel: Name of writer was deleted. 

  4. torah his:you make it sound as if the nine days themselves are some type of mysterious time. you have to keep in mind that HaSHEM causes things to happen specifically during these days in order to remind us of what happened so many years ago and to bring our hearts closer to Him. im not chas veshalom reprimanding you, i just think that the way you talked about these days were not the way a frum jew should view them. im yirtzeh HaSHEM WE SHOULD ALL BE ZOCHEH TO SEE MOSHIACH TOMORROW ON THE YOM TOV OF TISHA B’AV.

  5. “waiting for a chopper to arrive to give them instructions from above”

    The instructions indeed came from above, but not from the chopper.


  6. Reb_Motcha, where r u going that you must say goodbye and no computers to stay in touch with the YW community ?

  7. reb motcha: like bigplaut said, i dont chap why you cant continue to keep in touch but whatever the reason i wanted to give you a yasher koach for all of your wise and torahdik’e comments. kol tuv and be matzliach.

  8. “you make it sound as if the nine days themselves are some type of mysterious time”

    It is. Check it up in Nit’ai Gavriel ch. 23:2:

    “One should not walk (‘tiyul’) in any place where there is a Sakana (Maaglei Tzedek; S’dei Chemed).”

    R.G. Zinner wisely points out in a footnote that camps should not hike in forests during these days.

    In all, during the 9 days, one should: 1) not walk alone in deserted areas, 2) not hike b’makom sakana, 3) not make a trip or travel, 4) stay away from deep water, 5) not hit children, 6) insure that children don’t play wildly, 7) obstain from being operated upon, among other things.

    Please be double-check your sources before sounding so emphatic.

  9. straight thinking: i agree with you one hundred percent. i only meant to point out the interesting way that someone referred to the nine days. i agree that these days are a dangerous time for klal yisroel but i thought the reference sounded like it was from some flap of a novel. thats all. but sof kol sof i agree with what you wrote.

  10. its in shulchan aruch (last siman of hilchos 9 days; last siman there, just before the statement that we dont hit students during these nine days)

    also, to rav motcha: if you agree to identify yourself, i think yw should publish your name or email adress.

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