CRMC Getting Hurt Financially By Insurance Of Frum Vacationers

emergency.jpgAccording to the Catskill News, the Catskill Regional Medical Center, is being financially hurt by the healthcare plan of thousands of 5-Boro Orthodox vacationers said the hospital’s Chief Financial Officer Nicholas Lanza. The Medicaid Managed Care Plan won’t cover their hospital care when they come from the five boroughs of New York to vacation in the Catskills, he said. And, every summer, that costs the hospital $10,000 to $20,000 a year.

“We are working with the membership of these managed care plans and having them put pressure on their plans to structure some rate agreements so that we can get paid,” he said.

Every penny counts when you are trying to work on a turn around, said Lanza. The hospital has been going through a financial restructuring, most recently teaming up with Orange Regional Medical Center – as was reported HERE on YW.

(Source: CN)

39 Responses


    (There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.)

    Either the hospital gets paid, or it folds, and the vacationers will lose timely medical care.

  2. Eman: The bungalows are owned by others, so their value doesn’t show up on the vacationers’ Medicaid applications. (:-)

  3. People think that they are entitled to an eight week vacation. Just as they think they are entitled to cheat medicare, get scholarships from the yeshivas, food stamps, WIC, section 8 etc.

    What percentage of people are working in the mountains? Here in the city there are working families whose children attend backyard camps and round robins.

    Everyone must do a cheshbon with their local Rav, as to what the correct answer is. I work all summer in order to try and make ends meet. I am not entitled to a vacation, although many of my neighbors are. I am paying full tuition, a mortgage, two sleep away campers etc.

    I think it is chutzpah to expect Medicaid to pay for people’s lifestyles, which are above their means.

    The insanity must stop

  4. This is a serious concern that needs to be addressed, there should be a copayment charge when a Medicaid patient is out of his/her district.

  5. These people are just as entitled to Medicaid as members of minority groups who are on Medicaid in far greater percentages than Jews.

    So long as they meet the minimum technical requirements to qualify for Medicaid, by all means they should take advantage of it.

  6. I think that the INSANITY that MUST STOP is all this judging of other people and their choices of (but not limited to):

    1) where they spend the summer (maybe parents are paying the freight)
    2) what they drive (same reason as above)
    3) where they go for Pesach, Succos, Shabbos Nachamu…
    4) how much tuition they pay (as if you know)
    5) how their rent is paid
    6) what medical insurance they have
    7) …

    2 days before Tisha B’Av, all the tragedies that are surrounding us and we wonder why…

    back in March, “itsprivate” submitted “A poem about the recent tragedies” it brought alot of perspective to the readers – I suggest that doing a YW search on the poem and reading it as we approach Tisha B’Av.

    B’Ezrat HaShem, Moshiach will be here soon and we will know of no more tragedies

  7. One day, someone at the hospital is going to scratch his head and ask the obvious, “How can someone on Medicaid afford to take an eight week bungalow in the Catskills?”
    Then he’ll call some investigator’s office and the whole ball of wax will start to melt and then it’ll be all over the papers about how Orthodox Jews systematically cheat. Whether it be true or not won’t matter; the perception and the headlines will be there.

  8. You people all have it wrong. Its because they have medicaid, food stamps, section 8, voucher, WIC, Lifeline, HEAP, Welfare, Respite care, disability, unemployment, and who knows what else, is why they can afford the colonies.

    Any decent working person, who has to pay his own rent, health insurance, food bill, etc cannot afford the colonies for 8 weeks.

  9. this will be my last post on this thread – I find it sickening the way people our denigrating our brothers and sisters who go to the bungelows. the disdain is mindboggling

    my friends, don’t worry what others have and where/when/how they vacation.
    in this arena, you will be responsible for answering questions only pertaining to you…

    Remember, we may be annonymous posters when we post our thoughts here in YW with no consequences, but, in the Olam HaEmes, the grudges in our hearts will be questioned…

    wishing everyone a meaningful Tisha B’Av and may we merit a speedy redemtion from this long and trying golus!

  10. sammygol, many of these people have large families and need the medicaid. They dont go to the mountains for vacation, but rather it will cost them the same amount in day camp…to stay in the city. No I don’t have medicaid nor do I go to the mountains, but I know quite a few people who do, and are in the position I just described. I know for a fact that these people put away money all year from whatever little they have, to be able to go to the mountains. I dont know whats so “chutzpahdig” about that and no you are not paying for their trip to the mountains with your taxes.
    The fact that the hospital is “losing” money is not THEIR problem. Its federal law, and if they don’t like it, they dont have to accept federal funding and then they can do what they want. I’d like to see them come out and say that about other segments of the population who contribute ALOT! less to society.
    I do feel that if the hospital honestly had a problem rather than a bone to pick, there are much more effective means to come up with a solution than to go to the news and embarrasing our people. We are a resourceful people and if they need the help, they can meet with those who are in a position to help.

  11. Maybe its from kids on medicaid that are in camps?
    when i was a camper in N.Y. every summer there were a few kids in the hospital (I among them for xrays)

    hope we all have a healthy summer

  12. I am sure the moderators on yeshiva world scam the government on a regular basis.

    I would also like to let everyone know that I am a self-hating Jew who is extremely proud of that. I also have emailed hate-mail to the editor of Yeshivaworld on more than one occasion. Everyone can feel free to email me and use my ip address to locate who I am! I hope to I”H be the first person on YW to be exposed.

    [email protected] IP:

    Editors Note: This individual has made personal threats against YW after being warned to stop. We have taken action against him, and have filed a complaint with the FBI’s Internet crime department. We do not take these issues lightly, and await the green-light to press charges against him.

    He thinks that he is hiding behind a wall of anonymity and can get away with this. We have learned his true identity, and will take all legal action allowed by the law.

    We do not appreciate threats against our personal interests, and take these matters very seriously.

    YW Editor.

  13. I know the rules of medicaid as opposed to you self hating jews out there who automatically assume any one recieving public assistance is cheating the system, a family of 7 can make $62,560 a year and a pregnant woman and any children under 1 would receive medicaid . Frequently even older children would be placed on medicaid by the state rather then transfered to child health plus b. Additionally even after the birth of a child they would be able to keep medicaid for the adult for a period of 6 months to a year
    If the wife is not working a bungalow for $2- 3 thousand dollars a month for 2 months for 5 children is not an unreasonable expense on an income of $62500 a year, frequently this is the only “extraneous” expense of the whole year. Medicaid is given to pregnant woman and children above poverty wage and since certain expenses are removed from income such as any health insurance paid for for a husband or nonqualified child. It is quite possible to make in excess of $70000 a year and still legitimately qualify for medicaid. This alone would warrant a sizable increase in medicaid population over the summer months.

  14. Misterman is using Cablevision is Clifton, NJ.

    Editors Note: We know exactly who he is, and he is being dealt with. Thanks for the concern. Oh, and since he does not seem to be too fond of Rabbonim, he will have the opportunity to deal with the real justice department, and not a Bais Din.

  15. What people here misunderstand is Medicaid WILL cover a patient in his region. If he lives in NYC, then NY State Medicaid will re-imburse the NYC provider partial payment;but will REFUSE all and ANY payment to other locatioins in NYS out of NYC, If you are registered in NYC, get treated in NYC (besides Emergency). The hospital and doctor cannot give free care to so many people,same as the illegal aliens.If you hide income and assets,work off the books,etc,you are stealing.Just because one pays tuition for Torah education,does not give him the right to steal from public and entitlred to go to summer-long bungalow. Many honest hard-working people cannot afford this,but they pay for others to go.(with their taxes).

  16. Why are all the Jew-bashers working on the assumption that Yidden on Medicaid are cheating?

    The fact is many Yidden meet the technical requirements to qualify for Medicaid. This is despite what you think, and despite their having such-and-such car or such-and-such bungalow.

    If they meet the minimum technical requirements for Medicaid, I’m glad they are getting Medicaid. Why them any less than the minorities, who are on the programs in far greater percentages than the Yidden? And if they meet the technical requirements to qualify for Medicaid and can still afford (themselves or with relatives help) for a car or bungalow, all the power to them!

  17. I assume I will be dealing with the justice department in Iran. Because the US Justice department allows freedom of expression.They do not tolerate communist one sided sites like yours . Bring it on losers!

  18. Just take a look back at previous Mistermann comments. Typical Jewish self-hater who attacks Jews on every occasion (like here blaming them for being on Medicaid.)

    Did anyone making these attacks stop and think that these folks on Medicaid are the poor of our nation? Perhaps a little sympathy would be in order.

  19. So you have my ip address. Now what? Am I going to be hauled out of my house tonight in the darkness of the night and be sentenced to death for voicing my opinion? Or is this a lousy stunt by a group of losers who cannot tolerate a different view?

  20. I think that a lot of us who do not use government assistance jump to conclusions when we see stories like this. (I am guilty), but, especially at this time of year, we have to fight this yetzer hara, and rise above it. It’s not really our judgement call to make. Hashem will decide who is honest, and who is not, and will reward and punish them accordingly.

  21. sammygol, no threats were made. YW editor you may print the 2 emails I sent and the public will decide if it is threatening.Obviously chances are that they will not print it and if they do they will either edit it or spice it up, thats what you are known for. Yes I am angry because all you guys cannot tolerate a jew from a different perspective and a different sect. I have my own rabonim and I have no need to follow your particular rav. Never in any of my posts have I attacked a rav personally.All you guys can resort to is anti torah name calling. You are all guilty of loshon hora, name calling, and sinning on a daily basis.
    I have sent angry emails to YW. Calling them names and sounding ticked off.With them responding that the FBI is on the case is simply laughable. You could either ignore my emails or respond. But you guys are making a total and utter fools of your selves that claiming that the justice department is being contacted.

  22. Joseph, again you fail to read in to any opinion that differs from yours. Don’t skirt the issue. I did NOT say that there are people that do not need medicaid.what I did say there are those that use the system and cheat it.If you don’t get that, you are living a fantasy world.

  23. I dont understand what the big shtink is – all we are talking about (see article) is 10-20 K a summer, which regardless right or wrong, shouldnt really be a chillul hashem. Additionally, one should be careful to stereotype – as long as there are some legitimates, one should be careful not to comment if the comment would be offensive to them.

  24. Mistermann, You apparently believe Yidden are Medicaid cheats just by being on Medicaid. If you were not Jewish, you would surely be called an anti-semite. You hide behind your religion.

    The fact is Yidden are more honest than the average non-Jew. But you either cannot accept or grasp that. You consider it racist to laud the Jews for their above-average honesty.

    Sure it would be a kiddush hashem to say that 100% of Yidden are honest with the government. I don’t know for a fact that is not the case. You on the other hand assume that is far from the case. But even failing that laudable goal, Yidden are to be commended for their honesty.

  25. Read the story carefully. The losses10 to 20 thousand dollars a year. Have you ever seen a bill for an ER visit? It can be anywhere from 1000-5000. We are talking about a handfull of cases here.

  26. Re: people on Medicaid going to the bungalows and vacationing for 2 months.

    I think those who are not eligible for programs should take a deep breath and try to understand that those that are accepting programs might honestly deserve it, and even if there are some that don’t, they are likely (hopefully) in the minority. I belong to this category and I do sometimes have a hard time accepting that my tax dollars are paying for someone else’s needs (Yiden and non as well). My needs are being met by incurring credit card debt. One thing I know is no one is getting anything from my portion, of that I am sure, and that helps keep things in perspective.

    On the other hand without being judgmental, it might be worthwhile for people accepting public assistance to be cognizant of the fact that people who are not eligible are often as tight for money if not tighter. Therefore they need to be extremely careful not to flash cars (that they might have gotten from their parents), jewelry (that they may have inherited), fancy homes (rented or borrowed), and lavish vacations. The economy is awful and a lot of people don’t have money for luxuries whether or not they accept public assistance.

    A story that I feel illustrates my point. I was once at the Drs. office with my wife, and a woman came in and the secretary told her she had some problem with her Medicaid forms. My wife was visibly shaken. When we left I asked her what bothered her and she said that woman was wearing more jewelry for a Drs visit than my mother and I both wore to my wedding, her clothes were the most expensive available, and you and I are trying to figure out how to pay the 20% co-pay on this ‘out-of-network’ doctor. How could she be on Medicaid?

    But you never know, maybe her husband went bankrupt yesterday.

  27. Just to mention a point that has not been raised yet at all. Many people who go to the Catskills, who are not on Medicaid…, bring up elderly parents and in-laws who most probably are on Medicaid – and are completely eligible for it! I have often heard of cases where elderly people needed emergency care in the Mountains while staying with family. Without getting into whether or not bringing up elderly family members is a prudent thing to do, it is done, and emergencies do happen! It really bothers me that some people automatically assume that someone in the mountains in the summer who is on Medicaid, must be cheating the govt. There’s a huge population up there of varying ages and stages, with many hardworking people in camps and bungalow colonies, kids going to camp on scholarships… You don’t even need an imagination to think of someone who is in the mountains for the summer and is on Medicaid – who deserves it fully!

  28. the issue is not who has or does not have medicaid. the issue is that this hospital receives federal funding, which obligates it to treat anyone, regardless of their ability to pay. that is the law. the hospital is capable of collecting statistical data regarding which medicaid managed care companies their patients are enrolled in. if they are truly concerned about lost revenue, perhaps they should be proactive and establish relationships with these managed care companies.

    this is just another example of eisav soneh es yaakov. the businesses in the catskill mountain region, this very mediocre hospital included, survive an entire year on the revenue earned during the summer season.

  29. I suggest that everyone get the exact information regarding eligibility for Medicaid from the agency.It is easy to find out the true requirements. Certainn assets are allowed up tpo a limit.Certain benefits are not available.Different areas must belong to different medicaid “neighborhoods”. Then there are required “pay-ins”,a type of deductible. Then there are time limits on how often certain procedures and benefits can be received.Many doctors do not accept Medicaid at all. The hospitals only get paid for “neighborhood” Medicaid recipients except for emergency.You may own a car and a home,but that must be included in your assets.At the interview the question will be asked,”with this income,how do you pay for the car expenses,the mortgage? Childrens’ school records and 1040IRS forms are looked at. “how do you pay the tuition?” These are questions that are sometimes hard to answer honestly when applying,for obvious reasons.

  30. By the way,haven’t you noticed the many commercials and advertizements on radio for different hospitals? They spend lots of money for these expensive spots.They want to attract the patients who have private insurance,and then overcharge plenty.The system is faulty,but to take advantage of a good thing that one is not entitled to is wrong,no matter who does it or why.

  31. Why dont all you guys in the Catskills just raise $100 from 200 families (or $1000 from 20 families) and then you can end an unnecessary grudge that the hospital will have towards the frum. There are many medicaid and non-medicaid yidden that can afford to “shekel up” a bit and solve the hospital’s problem!

  32. Mistermann,
    I you are so confident that you’ve done nothing wrong, and stand completely behind your viewpoint, why do you hide behind a username? Give us your full name and address so we can all write you letters of admiration and commendation.

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