Survey: Obama’s Approval Rating Hits All-Time-Low

President Obama’s approval rating has hit an all-time low, according to a new poll from Quinnipiac University.

The survey measured Obama’s approval at just 42 percent, with 48 percent of voters disapproving of the job he’s doing in office.

Fifty percent of voters surveyed believe the president does not deserve election to a second term next year — just 41 percent said he does.

The 42 percent approval number marks a four percentage-point drop over the past month. A Q-poll released March 3 had Obama at 46 percent approval; 45 percent of voters said he didn’t deserve a second term.

Obama is now in a dead heat with a generic Republican challenger, trailing an unamed Republican in a hypothetical 2012 match-up 36 percent to 37 percent.

“President Barack Obama’s approval numbers are at their lowest level ever, slightly below where they were for most of 2010 before he got a bump up in surveys after the November election and into the early part of this year,” said Peter Brown, assistant director at the Quinnipiac Polling Institute.

Brown pointed to Obama’s overall negatives on the deficit, economy, foreign policy and healthcare as driving up his disapproval numbers.

The poll also gave Obama negative ratings on the military action in Libya. Overall, voters oppose the nation’s involvement in Libya — 47 percent to 41 percent — and a full 58 percent said Obama has not clearly articulated the goal of U.S. involvement.

The president has taken heat from both Democrats and Republicans for his handling of the Libya effort, with critics questioning the clarity and duration of the mission and demanding to know why Congress wasn’t consulted before the president took action.

Sixty-one percent of respondents in the poll said removing Col. Moammar Gadhafi from power is not worth having American troops “fight and possibly die.”

(Source: The Hill)

18 Responses

  1. Hey, Obama supporters, how’s that “hopey changey” thing working out for you? Perhaps you’ll grow a brain before voting next year.

  2. Locknload: Amen, amen. Some of my friends who gave me THE look before the last election are now looking at me differently. They got what they wanted…..nothing.

  3. Its pathetic that 41% still support this incompetent inexperienced, radical leftist liberal who is so arrogant doesn’t give a darn about congress and the american people, so over his head. He’s destroying this county every day. I get that blacks will support him no matter what. But come one wake up. Its sad how fools like Charlie Hall are so blinded and can’t use their own brain with out listing to the media. Obama is a failure bigger then Carter.

  4. Vote for change was that from your hundred dollar bill you are only left with change; is this what he meant. I did not get sucked into his gifted speaking but saw who his friends were.

  5. Shhhhh. Charlie Hall, nfgo3 and all other liberals (midwest…) are asleep. Notice how they failed to comment on this report.

  6. No. 6: Sorry to keep you waiting, but my internet access was down. Polls have their ups and downs, and of course I would rather see more favorable numbers for President Obama. I nevertheless remain optimistic that the wisdom of President Obama’s administration will become apparent to a majority of the electorate in the one poll that counts, which is scheduled for November 2012.

    The article above reports that President Obama is in a dead heat with a “generic” Republican candidate. In past polls, the “generic” Republican has generally been the strongest “candidate” against the president. Actual flesh-and-blood Republicans don’t do as well. And besides, a “generic” Republican cannot produce a birth certificate.

  7. #6 the wisdom of Obama?! Lol letting Iran go nuclear, continuing two disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, starting a third war with no end goal in Libya, practically handing over Egypt to the muslim brotherhood. Completely destroying any chance of Mid-east peace by forcing a settlement freeze as a precondition. A stimulus package with ineffective tax breaks and full or pork that did not keep unemployment under 8% as promised. Twiddling his thumbs during the BP oil crisis. Supporting Bernanke’s disastrous plan for QEII, which was blasted across the political spectrum, and has exported inflation and riots worldwide I can go on and on.

    I have no idea who will win, no one can predict the future, but if Obama does win it will be because A. The GOP fields an awful candidate like Palin, Romney, Trump etc. B. Americans are dumb. Or a combination of both.

  8. Gallup has his approval/disapproval at 49%/44%.

    And Obama leads every possible Republican candidate. In particular, PublicPolicyPolling has him ahead of every Republican candidate in FL, IA, NV, OH, and VA, and all but Huckabee in NC. And the Lichtman Keys still point to an Obama victory.

    Ending the worst recession since the 1930s, getting the Affordable Care Act through Congress, and getting the Dodd-Frank Act through Congress already puts Obama in the top quartile of Presidents.

  9. The Hill is a right wing freak show media outlet.
    Quinnipiac is always an outler when it comes to polls and is one of the furthest off when it comes to the polls most likely to be correct- the presidential election. It has one of the poorest results for a poll conducted on the week of a presidential election of all polls out there.

    Gallup has obama steady at the highest in a year

  10. No. 8: I think you were talking to me, not No. 6, which is consistent with the balance of your comment, as you have trouble with other facts besides the ones in front of you.

    As I said, I expect a majority of voters to recognize the wisdom of President Obama’s administration, not everyone, and you are not yet part of my expected majority.

    Here are just some of the “facts” you got wrong:

    1. Iran has been “going nuclear” for 10+ years. It is not there yet, but no US president has put a stop to Iran’s effort in that period. The US is a superpower, maybe the only one, but the US is not, shall I say, omnipotent. (We know who is, don’t we?)

    2. “Continuing” (your word) two disastrous wars requires someone to start them – we know who that was, don’t we? And the “continuing” may change between now and the poll that counts.

    3. The war in Libya was not started (your word) by President Obama but by some Libyans. The US, along with some allies, is providing air support. I don’t know where this will lead, or how long it will take to get there, or at what cost in US and other human lives and dollars, but the last two wars started (your word) in the Middle East by a US president were not ended by the starter, have cost the US over 5,000 lives and over $1 trillion. I therefore think that President Obama’s Libyan effort to avert a humanitarian disaster has a good chance of a better outcome – not to mention a good outcome – than the Afghanistan and Iraq adventures of President George W. Bush and his boss, Vice President Dick Cheney.

    4. You write: “Completely destroying any chance of Mid-east peace by forcing a settlement freeze as a precondition.” As the last 3 months have shown us, Middle East peace covers more territory than the Occupied Territories. Assuming you meant an Israeli-Palestinian settlement, I would note that all Mr. Obama’s predecessors – going back to Richard “E.” Nixon – have supported a freeze on Israeli settlements beyond its 1948 borders.

    5. The “ineffective” tax breaks were added to the Obama stimulus package at the insistence of the GOP. As predicted by “liberal” Paul Krugman, Nobel-winning economist, the stimulus has been a disappointment but has been effective at preventing the American economy from being even worse. Republican economic policy proposals are neither pork-free nor effective, and their insistence on a balanced budget and deficit reduction while the economy remains anemic is causing economic anemia.

    6. “BP oil crisis”, i.e., the drilling accident in the Gulf of Mexico – I agree, President Obama never should have said, “Drill, baby, drill.” What? He didn’t say that? I have no business saying you have trouble with the facts.

    7. “Bernanke’s disastrous plan for QEII”. The only “QEII’s” that I know are an elderly monarch of a former superpower and a ship named in her honor. No wonder you have trouble with facts – you have trouble with clarity. As for exporting inflation, well, (a) better to export it than keep it, and (b) the US has not exported inflation. Inflation remains a GOP boogey-man, as the GOP and its bought-and-paid-for economists have been beating the inflation drums since Obama has been in office, and US inflation remains at historically low levels throughout the drum solo.

    Finally, I infer from your last paragraph that you cannot name an acceptable GOP candidate, which is consistent with my notion that a “generic” GOP candidate is the strongest GOP candidate against the Democratic (not Democrat) incumbent. As for your statement that “Americans are dumb,” that juxtaposes nicely with the persistent Obama-haters’ complaints that he – not they – are elitists, and that he – not they – hate America. So laugh all you want, but when you catch your breath, take some time to (i) check your facts, and (ii) check your reasoning.

    Finally, finally: Trump is a candidate? LOL.

  11. ‘I would note that all Mr. Obama’s predecessors – going back to Richard “E.” Nixon – have supported a freeze on Israeli settlements beyond its 1948 borders.’

    This is incorrect — the policy predated Nixon. It was established by Lyndon Johnson shortly after the Six Day War. Nine Presidents have now had the same policy: Five Republicans (Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush 43) and Four Democrats (Johnson, Carter, Clinton, and Obama).

  12. I just checked current polls. They are all over the map. A three day Gallup Poll has Obama at 54% approval, while a poll by The Economist/YouGov has him at 40% approval! The latter poll had the Congress at 15% approval.

  13. Thanks for the snide remarks, and if you can predict the future please tell me where the stock market will be on Nov. 4th 2012

    1. Iran is at a critical juncture and their program really began in the mid 2000s not 10 years ago. If you think Iran is as close to nuclear weapons as 10 years ago, I do not know what planet you are living on.

    2/3 I did not support the war in Iraq and have stated it was a disaster I am not a Bush cheerleader, it was Obama’s decision to implement the “surge” in Afghanistan and to keep troops in Iraq for so long. You have no idea what the war in Libya will lead to, now the CIA has operatives there, we could send in ground troops. I doubt it will be as messy as Iraq but since there was absolutely no end game planned like Iraq we have no idea what the consequences will be.

    4. Agreed but there is a big difference between it not being US policy and forcing it as a pre-condition for peace negotiations. The peace process has been frozen as a result.

    5. I agree the tax cuts were completely stupid, but Obama signed it into law he said it would keep unemployment below 8% he rushed to pass it. I would have supported a stimulus plan that was actual infrastructure spending as it was supposed to be instead of the pork/entitlements and dumb tax cuts that the GOP and Dems instituted.

    6. I remember the BP disaster Obama did nothing to help BP stop the spill, he just sat around doing nothing (which actually might be better with this president).

    7. According to Seth Klarman one of the best investors of our time; CPI would be 8.5% using today’s statistics. This was a bipartisan issue. David Einhorn, Bill Gross, Joseph Stiglitz and many other Democrats were against QEII. It is a total lie that opposition to QEII was a GOP issue, due some research. Also I do not know what your snide remarks about QEII were about, I would venture you do not even know what it is exactly. It really is an asset swap, look it up on Wikipedia so you can debate me on it. Even Krugman to my knowledge opposed it.

    I have stated on many occasions I do not support Trump. I do not know who the GOP will field but I might just sit this one out because there is no way I will vote for Obama. I think independently not like a party hack.

    I did not mention one incorrect statement.

    You never answered my question on Egypt presumably too hard for you to answer.

  14. I meant Seth Klarman said CPI would be 8.5% using 1908s methodology, and 4.5% using 1990s methodology.

    I honestly think the lie that being against QE2 is a right wing idea, is the biggest economic lie in the past year.

  15. I am responding to comments 14 and 15.

    First of all, you have not told me what you meant by “Bernanke’s disastrous plan for QEII”. Who/what is QEII, and what is Bernanke’s plan for him/her/it? And since Mr. Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, is independent of the president (not to mention Congress), I am not sure why you want to tar the President with the Fed Chairman’s alleged, and allegedly unsound, plan.

    Second: What was your question about Egypt in your comment no. 8? I see your statement about Egypt, but no question.

    What makes you think I do not know where the Libyan war, and US involvement therein, will lead, other than my own statement that I do not know where the Libyan war will lead? I take pain to avoid talking about what I do not know about. I recommend it for all of us. That is why I have nothing to say about your comments on inflation or your statement that real inflation, as measured on a consistent basis with the methods of the 1980’s, is very high. My belief that inflation is low is based on statements of the Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman of Princeton, who is also a columnist for The New York Times.

    Your point 4 in your comment 14 blames the freeze in the negotiations between Israel and representatives of the Palestinians solely on US support of a settlement freeze. I do not believe the negotiations process is so simple that one US position on one aspect of the issues at stake is the sole cause of the current, stagnant posture of the negotiations. I do believe that President Obama’s position on settlement construction has given some Arabs a small level of comfort that the US is trying to be an honest broker in the process.

    I agree with you that the tax cuts in the stimulus bill are, from a policy point of view, pointless and stupid. I think they were politically necessary to get Republican support for the spending portions of the bill. I also agree with you that infrastructure spending at the right – high – level is effective at stimulating the economy and providing the nation with necessary “internal improvements” (to use a 19th Century term for government spending on infrastructure).

    As for President Obama’s alleged failure to respond to the BP oil spill, what should he have done differently? The president gets a rent-free house (with a tennis court and a bowling alley), a swell limousine but no a scuba suit. In applying for an underwater drilling permit, the driller – BP, in this instance – must submit a plan and show it has the financial and technical wherewithal to plug a leak. Apparently, BP’s application contained false and misleading information on this point, and that was a major part of the problem in stopping the leak. Do you want the government to develop – and devote resources (i.e., tax dollars) to – a standby plan and capability for plugging underwater oil leaks when the driller’s application contains falsehoods, or the driller is otherwise unable to fix its mistake? That might be a good idea, but no one – not even the people who fault President Obama for not plugging the leak – has brought it up. The leak is no longer leaking, and the issue is out of the public eye. I wonder why there have not yet been prosecutions for the falsehoods on the BP permit application. Perhaps a Congressional committee or an appropriate Executive branch agency is now engaged in the very boring, very uninteresting, and very essential process of addressing the inadequacy of the current rules and process regarding underwater oil-drilling accidents, but the only people watching that process – if it even exists – are a few engineers and some lobbyist-lackeys for the oil industry. Maybe the White House bowling balls should have been used to plug the leak.

    And finally, your request for my prediction about the stock market in November 2012: (a) I don’t comment on things I don’t know about. (b) If I could predict the stock market, I would be so rich that I would have a staff of people reading and summarizing YWN for me. (c) If I could predict the stock market, and the public knew I could, and I publicly announced my prediction, the market would respond instantly, and you and I would not have time to revise our investment portfolios to take advantage of my prediction.

  16. I do not have time to respond to your comments but I will address QEII. There was so much backlash about QEII when the plan was announced, so President Obama stated the following “”I will say that the Fed’s mandate, my mandate, is to grow our economy. And that’s not just good for the United States, that’s good for the world as a whole,” said Obama, during a press conference in New Delhi. “And the worst thing that could happen to the world economy, not just ours, is if we end up being stuck with no growth or very limited growth,” he added.” That is clear support for QEII.

    You clearly now see that is a non-partisan issue as I pointed to Joseph Stiglitz, who despite leaning to the left is not a party hack like Krugman, Stiglitz was strongly against QEII. Krugman used to be a real economist decades ago, now he is a NYT Op-ed columnist. He also was also on Enron’s advisory board 🙂

    Inflation is 8.5% using 1980s using CPI methodology from the 1980s. The reason inflation is so “low” is because it conviently excludes food and gas prices (like no one buys those), and has a disproportionation weighting towards housing. Seth Klarman who manages the 11th largest hedge fund, who Warren Buffett called the best investor of our time, stated this. Klarman has $20 billion not from getting additional contributions, he closed his fund and has returned some money to shareholders. He has generated such high returns that he now has $20 billion. If I had to chose between Klarman and Sitglitz vs a NY Times op-ed columnist and someone who was formally on Enron’s board I would take the former 🙂

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