Shul in Maine is Target of Bomb Threats. Police make Arrest

bomb threats2.jpgThe Beth Israel shul in Old Orchard Beach is one of three orthodox shuls in Maine, and recently became the target of a bomb threat. Two weeks ago Ami Arbassio, a resident of Sweetser in Saco, called the shul and left numerous hateful messages on the answering machine.

A bomb-sniffing dog was brought in by the South Portland Police Department, but no explosive devices were found. Eber Weinstein, the president of the shul, said he and his brother called the police because the bomb threat “sounded serious.”

Police were able to locate and arrest Arbassio because she left her name and address on one of the messages.

Eber Weinstein said the only other time the security of Beth Israel was at all threatened was right after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. He said at the time the governor’s office sent a general letter to all the synagogues in Maine warning them they might be targeted.

Beth Israel was built some time between 1909 and 1912.


One Response

  1. Reminder: Yes,we are still in golus,and it is the week of Tisha b”Av, Thank G D the idiotic hater was caught,and stupid enough to make it possible. Thankfully,the civil authorities have our good interests at heart.

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