Touro College Statement Regarding The Student Records Investigation

touro logo1.jpgOn July 16, 2007 the Manhattan District Attorney’s office announced the indictment of ten individuals, including three Touro College employees, for “their involvement in a scheme to create and sell fraudulent student transcripts” at Touro College. (Reported HERE on YW)

As evidenced by Mr. Morgenthau’s statement (seen below), Touro College’s own vigilance and oversight led to the discovery of unauthorized changes in student records. Mr. Morgenthau noted the College’s “exceptional assistance to the investigation.” Touro cooperated fully with the law enforcement authorities, providing them with the information necessary for them to identify the accused – a then-director of admissions for a division of the College and two individuals: a director of a neighborhood extension center and a lower-level administrator. The three individuals were suspended without pay pending the results of the investigation, and remain suspended. The seven other individuals named in the indictment were not Touro employees.

While the District Attorney’s office has not released all of the details of their findings, we believe the alleged unauthorized activities were limited in scope. Acting with the guidance of law enforcement authorities, Touro has taken the steps necessary to ensure the security and the integrity of all of its records and is pleased that our systems have operated successfully to identify the problems highlighted by this event.

Touro continues to perform due diligence regarding this matter. We have the utmost faith in the integrity of our academic degrees. We will continue to work to ensure the public trust in Touro College, which now educates over 23,000 students in 29 locations in the United States and abroad.

Robert M. Morgenthau, Manhattan District Attorney has stated the following:

“Touro College initially reported the transcript and forgery case to law enforcement and gave exceptional assistance to the investigation. Among other things, Touro made their IT personnel available to investigators, instituted a computer tracking system and conducted an audit of the computer system to track down abuses.  We are grateful for all of their assistance.”

38 Responses

  1. * relief * – I held my breath as this story broke, but the statement of DA Morgenthau is a relief, since it demonstrates (to my view) a good kiddush HaShem – a Jewish college reports properly to the authorities information that could be damaging to itself, and cooperates fully with the investigation – in truth, nothing less than the honesty we are compelled to live, but unfortunately more than we often witness and experience – kudos to Touro

  2. אמת thankfully,I hope that THIS item will also be on the news,at least as much as the initial announcement.

  3. If you read carefully the various articles on the web about this, one or two of the many articles actually sort of says that they brought it to the attention of tyhe authorities. All the others said that “Touro is cooperating with the police investigation,” or words to that effect. It’s a little annoying that they did this.

  4. I mean that it’s annoying the way the media treated Touro’s involvement, as if they were helping along a little, and not that they actually initiated the investigation.

  5. Touro College is treif, treif , treif. Our Gadolim and Manhigim did not hold of it and held that it is treif. I am happy to see that they are getting their share in this world and not only in the next. Let them be closed down!

  6. YeshivishB:
    Please quote even 1 of our ‘Gedolim and Manhigim’ who said that “Touro College is Treif, Treif, Treif”. I defy you to provide such a quote. Perhaps individuals who asked specific shailohs for themselves might have been recommended not to attend Touro, but I am willing to go on record that not even 1 ‘Gadol or Manhig’ can be quoted paskening that it is Treif! Keep your boorish, childish, bias to your uncouth, uneducated, immature self, please.
    P.S. Thanks for your metaphysical lesson in reward and punishment. I feel particularly enriched!

  7. flatbusher, those generous awarding of Yeshiva credits by Torah, allow Bnei Torah who need a degree for its skills and business value, to focus their time more on Torah and less on college. A definite plus.

    Yeshivish, I am aware of various Roshei Yeshiva from the largest yeshivas in Brooklyn that allow their talmidim to attend Touro. Take a look around at the Yeshivos that have talmidim in Touro. They are from the largest most well-known and respected Yeshivos with some of the greatest Roshei Yeshivos.

  8. YeshivishB,

    What if the boy wants to stay in kollel for at least 10 years and the girl doesn’t have a PHD (Poppa Has Dough)? Would you rather have her go to Brooklyn College for her degree?

  9. Takeh???: One of my sources is the tape where one of the leading gedolim gave a hesped on Harav Boruch Sorotzkin ZT”L titled “vos vet zayn mit di kinder”.

    Joseph: Just because boys from some respected yeshivos in Brooklyn go to TC does not mean that they are encouraged to go. It is just that the Roshei Yeshiva don’t stop them from going and hold that they will let them go in order not to loose the talmid.

    Yzg: Maybe if they would ask the godol would say better to go to Brooklyn Collage. I even think that was the psak for somebody that asked. It is better to have a “rosha” that looks like one then a “rosha” with a beard and payos.

  10. Until Yeshivas see fit to open professional/trade courses as part of their Yeshivas, Boruch Hashem for Touro, as it’s the next best thing.

    Whoever has any issues with Touro students, should spend a day in the Unemployment and Welfare offices, and count and interview the numerous people there. The problems faced there, often are carried home and affect Shalom Bayis.

    Sure, Touro isn’t a Yeshiva that teaches Torah, but with today’s rising expenses, coupled with the fact that professionals average three times the hourly wage of non-professionals, leaving them more time to spend with the children, it’s a Rachmonus on anyone that doesn’t see clearly the benefits of Touro, for most people with strong Hashkafos.

    Ain Somchin Al Hanes. Everyone has to do their Hishtadlus.

  11. flatbusher, what loshon hora are you talking about? It is untrue.

    All I said was that it is a good thing Touro College accepts as many Yeshiva credits as they do, as this reduces the college load Yidden need to complete college. Therefore they have more time to devote to the Torah and their families.

  12. YeshivishB: Save all of our time and just fill us in, will you? We are all waiting with bated breath for the ‘Gadol” who said that “Touro College is Treif”. Apparently this ‘tape’ must be in your archives hidden away uunder lock-and-key, which is why no one else seems to know of any ‘Gadol’ condemning Touro College as ‘Treif”. Be mizakeh us please and share.

  13. 1) Reb Elya did not say that “Touro College is Treif”. You are extrapolating that from his comments about college in general. Don’t perform a disservice to Reb Elya’s reputation by misquoting him.
    2) Reb Elya’s gadlus notwithstanding, his is NOT the final word with regards to hanhagah in the Yeshiva velt.

  14. Takeh: I am sorry but you don’t know what you are talking about. Please listen to the tape (where he says TC) and then we will talk.

  15. YeshivishB: Refer to my second comment, please. Reb Elya might truly be a Gadol in his own right, but he does NOT, I repeat NOT, speak for any other Gedolim and certainly is not the accepted Manhig of Klal Yisroel.

  16. There were several Gedolei Yisroel who opposed the publishing of the Artscroll Shas.

    We have all sorts of disagreements, but that doesn’t deligitimize other Gedolei Yisroel’s opinions.

  17. YeshivishB: Even amongst Bnai Torah Reb Elya does NOT speak for everybody. Don’t be naive to think that he does.
    Joseph: Please clarify whose side you are on.

  18. Takeh,
    Please name which gedolim disagree whith Reb Elya Shlita on this issue instead of attacking him. True, other rosh yeshivas and gedolim have the right to disagree with him, (although I admit to not knowing of any who do in regard to TC), but please don’t dare to minimize his gadlus just because he expressed an opinion which you in your infinite wisdom feel is “boorish, childish, bias.”

  19. YeshivishB: No offense but maybe you should be working on yourself before complaining how bad Touro is and how it should be shut down. I bet that any gadol or rav that ever said that people should not go to college, for sure said that the internet is a terrible thing and that people should not be using it. So maybe after listening to all your tapes you should close your computer and stop using the internet. Furthermore there are mnay people who come from more modern homes where thair parents insist on them going to college and do not allow them to simply get their degree from Thomas Edison. Touro is a million times better than going to any goyish college. Perhaps you don’t know anyone that got influenced from attending other schools but I do. Anyone that does attend these secular colleges will tell you how terrible it is and how the teachers teach things that are completly against what the Torah says.

  20. Charlie Brown; I never characterized Reb Elya and his opinions as boorish, childish, or biased.” I wouldn’t dare! I was instead referring to the posting of ‘YeshivishB’. In response to me naming the Gedolim that disagree, why don’t you provide the Gedolim that do agree since you are so quick to slander a large group within Klal Yisroel who do attend Touro College with the guidance and blessing of their respective Rebbeim and Manhigim. I have not heard of any respected ‘Gadol’ who has come out in anyway against them or their Rebbeim who incidentally are from the mainstream Mekomos Hatorah.

  21. Takeh,
    All I was trying to say was that if you think TC is not treif you should quote someone who says so, rather than attacking Reb Elya.

    When YeshivishB quoted a gadol who said TC is treif, you did indeed call that opinion “boorish, childish, bias.” Granted that at the time you didn’t know he was quoting from Reb Elya. However, when you found out who he was quoting from, you did not apologize for using those words to describe this shita; instead you attacked Reb Elya as not speaking for any other gedolim and not being the accepted manhig, implying that most gedolim disagree with him and he is on the fringe.

    My goal was to be moche the disrespectful tone in which you talked about Reb Elya, not to slander anyone who goes there with the advice of his rebbe or rosh yeshiva. If I offended any such person I ask for mechila.

  22. Tmimus, well said!
    Nowadays, when families are struggling to make a parnassah, it is very important to have a degree which enables one to earn a decent salary, and will in turn alleviate shalom bayis problems. In our community, I would consider Touro a bracha for enabling frum individuals to go to college without having to compromise on their Jewish practices or outlook. If not for Touro, there would be many more frume Bais Yaakov girls and yeshiva bichurim who would be forced to succumb to the lowliness of goyishe community colleges.

  23. Wow! YeshivishB- Interesting you differentiate between Bnei Torah on one side, and YU and conservative on the other side. YU may not be Yeshivish but not Bnei Torah?! and equivalent to conservative jews!
    And to state that it would be better to go to a Goyish College instead of TC?! I personally attended TC, and over 10 years later, I am still so grateful to them. I was able to complete my education among jewish frum girls and not have the influences that truly are “trief, trief, trief.”
    I am humbled that there are people that never have the need to go to college, and still be productive Yidin. But for those of us who have the necessity to further our education, for whatever reason, (like supporting our husbands so he can sit and learn)are thankful for TC.

  24. YeshivishB,

    When my chaver was graduating from high school, Rav Belsky tried to convince him to wait a year or two before going to college. When he saw that my chaver would not listen to him, he said ‘At least go to Touro College rather than Brooklyn College’.

    Doesn’t quite conform with your #15 comment, does it?

  25. Yzg: Each person has his own shailah and they get their own teshuvah from the talmid chochom they are asking. That does not mean that what the talmid chochom answered is for the whole Klal Yisroel but an individual psak. All I was saying is that for Klal Yisroel as a whole the creation of TC is not a good thing.

  26. Takeh,
    Thank you for being open-minded enough to accept constructive criticism. Wow, if only every argument ended so fast perhaps Tisha B’Av wouldn’t be a ta’anis any more. Have a great Shabbos!

  27. YeshivishB,

    “All I was saying is that for Klal Yisroel as a whole the creation of TC is not a good thing.”

    This statement sure is a lot different than saying ‘Treif, Treif, Treif’.

    Maybe you’re changing over from Kanoi mode to Chesed mode as we get closer to Shabbos.

  28. Last time I checked, the issue with Touro/YU was not the existence of a college, nor a Jewish College, rather the fact that it allows certain activities and organizations on its campus that are directly kneged halacha, and still masquerades as Jewish. That would make it a bad institution – worse than any Goyish college. Noone means to say that those who go there are bad people, but there is what to complain about that they associate with such a place – that for money is willing to compromise halacha. THAT gadol is Rabbi Mordechai Gifter.

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