NYC: Drivers Can Contest Parking Tickets Through City Website

New Yorkers who get undeserved parking tickets can now contest them online.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other city officials unveiled a new program today that allows New Yorkers to dispute tickets online.

The site has a space to let a user make his or her case and upload pictures or other evidence.

After completing the process, a judge should get back to the user within 10 days with a decision.

City leaders said New Yorkers no longer have to choose between swallowing an unfair ticket and taking a day off from work to fight it.

“We can’t stop giving out parking tickets. Because that is unfortunately one of the things that keeps people following the law. But we can make it easier to pay them, and we’re trying to make it easier to contest them if you think you were given one unfairly,” said Bloomberg.

The mayor says about city writes about 10 million parking tickets a year.

Of those, 10 percent are challenged and about half of all challenges are dismissed.

The website can also be used to dispute other violations, including litter or recycling fines.

To contest a parking ticket, visit

(Source: NY1)

2 Responses

  1. They’ve been allowing parking ticket’s to be contested through for about 5 years already. The only thing new, is the ability to upload images as evidence. Previously, it was only useful if a written description was sufficient for the not guilty plea.

  2. Valuable Tip: Most parking tickets (alternate, meter, expired inspection) can be reduced by approx. 30% without any excuse. [A $45 ticket becomes $32, a $65 ticket becomes $42]. It can be done online with instant results, or by mail which takes some time. To do it online, go to and request a hearing for the ticket. The website will offer to reduce the ticket instead of disputing it. By mail, just write any sort of excuse, e.g. you didn’t realize, you forgot, etc. and in several weeks you’ll get an offer to reduce the ticket instead of disputing it.

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