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Simcha Felder Takes The Lead in Raising Campaign Funds

felder.jpgNYC Councilman Simcha Felder has reportedly raised more than $700,000 in his bid for city controller, the most of any challenger for the six-month campaign filing period that ended last week – according to this mornings NY Daily News. The fund-raising brings the Borough Park Democrat’s campaign chest to about $1million.

19 Responses

  1. Devorah, I agree with you. Besides the fact that the money could be better spent on other causes, how important is it to have a frum jew being in a public office position? We all know that when frum jews are elected to high positions it generates a greater oppurtunity for anti semites to spew their hate. Have we not learned from Germany?

  2. city controller, if I understand correctly, is the position that enables the easiest anti-semitic caricatures, since it is the office that controls finances –

  3. How many of you think a Frum guy with a beard and yarmulka!!!!!!!! has a serious chance in a city-wide election? C’mon.

    In my opinion, it’s Bitul Mamon for anyone contributing, because of the unlikeliness of a victory. Although those that are are contributing, are predominantly those whose businesses would greatly benefit, not because they want a Frum guy in office.

  4. Interesting! Here we have a fellow who has a track record of trying to help yidden, has been in the public eye for many years and people still can’t give him any credit!! There is a tremendous amount of Yiddishe money spent on politicians from people who give even more to Tzadakos. Don’t forget that other entities are out there spending globs of money as well to push THEIR agenda, and our askanim need $$$$$ to be able to represent US!!

  5. In my eyes, a major litmus test on Simcha F. will be his stand on the Noach Dear Judgeship. Will he side with Hikind’s Politics as usual, or stand up for Kiddush Hashem, Honesty, Mentshlichkeit and decency on the many issues within this issue?

  6. This is a big crisis in the frumer community. One of the top leading Daas Torah and a big Manhig where thousands go by his word told me that frumer yidden don’t belong in politics openly. He told me that frumer yidden should not hold public office and it causes Sinas Yisroel. All hishtadlus should be done quietly. I am sorry Simcha I know you and you are a good man but please don’t run for this office and try to find parnosa not in public office.

  7. why are we ignoring the fact that he is a democrat!?No amount of good work for the klal can justify the chillul hashem thats created when a Jew asociates with the democratic partyin any way.

  8. torahtziva who told you that backing noach dear is the correct position to take??are you an expert in knowing whats best for religious jews??

  9. YeshivishB, just because your Daas Torah said what he said, that doesn’t mean that simcha Felder has to do what he said.

    Al pi sevara, it definitely makes sense to have a frum politician, otherwise simcha felder and his like’s job would be to shlep zich arum to all the non-Jewish politicians for the same purposes with the difference being the extra step and a lower rate of success (why would anybody want to help the frum community?).

    And bichlal, our history is replete with Jewish politicians (and those being in countries much more hostile towards Jews), so it is unclear upon just what this daas torah is based. Care too clarify?

  10. To: DWKL1 Please reread my post.
    “stand up for Kiddush Hashem, Honesty, Mentshlichkeit and decency on the many issues within this issue” would mean backing ONLY candidates that have brought about Kiddush Hashem and NOT the other kind.

  11. I understand how being a citycouncilman can help yidden but could someone explain to me how as a controller he could help yidden.

  12. Straight Thinking: When you write that he would have to “Shlep zich arum to all non-jewish politicians” That is exactly what this Godol wants. That is called not in the open but unter de tish. The problem is when a yid is holding the public position which causes sinas yisroel. By him going shtiler heit to the public figures and lobbying for our causes the wrong people will not see this (since its unter de tish) and therefor this would not be a cause for anti semitism.
    Regarding the lower success rate that you are claiming: That is also wrong. You can do much more for unter de tish then having a public position. It is known that when a yid is holding a public position he does less because he can not show favortism to the frumer comunity.

  13. Formerly upstanding Hikind did a NOSEDIVE by backing Noach Dear for Judge, of all things! It showed his true colors. If Felder acts deaf and dumb on this issue, his reputation will do a nosedive as well. L’maan Hashem, when will s/o with a voice, and gut, speak up?

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