US Warns Americans in Israel of Terror Threat

terror alert.jpgThe US State Department has issued a warning to US citizens and representatives currently in Israel of possible terror attacks, the Jerusalem Post reported. The advisory, calls on all diplomats and tourists in Gaza to leave without delay and to refrain from entering the West Bank, & was issued following reports of plots to carry out suicide attacks in American buildings as well as in restaurants and businesses with American links.

9 Responses

  1. Oh, a chiddush, there’s a danger of terror attacks in Israel! That was old news in the sixties, and probably old much earlier.

    The folk songs of the secular Israelis back in the fifties were aboutdreams that someday children will play catch or tag in the streets and yards, or maybe just sit and watch birds fly around, while the Arabs teach their children songs about destroying Israel and Jews. And they now figured out that there’s a danger or terror attacks?

  2. Since when do they consider Gaza and the west bank to be part of Israel??

    It should have said:
    “US Warns Americans in Palistine of Terror Threat”
    But I guess if it can be made to look bad for Israel, a word here or there is no big deal…

    (the fact that they said “as well as in restaurants and businesses with American links” does not clearly mean that there are threats whthin israel)

  3. I don’t think this will stop me. I travel through the west bank every day. It is a way of life here. Also Azza (aka Gazza) is at the other end of Israel. If and when these attacks happen I will rethink the situation.

  4. Each year, in the weeks preceeding girls leaving for seminary some sort of warning or terror scare comes out. Interesting.

  5. Oh,so freeing the terrorists from jail is going to help? They are letting the foxes run around the chicken coup freely. How smart!!

  6. Illini: Gaza maybe, West Bank no.

    The State Department is a well known Arabist and anti-Semitic organization.

    You have more of a chance of getting hit by a truck on (pick your favorite home town street), than being injured in the West Bank.

    And, oh by the way, when I was working for the US Defense Department, I was PROHIBITED by the State Department from entering the Old City of Jerusalem whenever I traveled to Israel on official business (I will not comment on what I did about THAT restriction).

    It’s all politics, and has nothing to do with risk assessment or concern about US citizens’ safety.

  7. Illini
    should i avoid visiting friends in Betar, Kiryat Sefer, & Gush Etzion since they are in Yehuda and Shomron? No No to Mama Rochel again, since the state dpt says no..

  8. The state department likes to be extra cautious, when it is the expense of jews. Just ask Jonathan Pollard! No, they are not anti-semitic, they just hate jews.

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