Camp Tubby Burglar is Nabbed by Police

arrested1.jpgAccording to the Times Herald Record, two teenagers who burglarized Camp Tubby & Bush Garden Estates over the past week have been arrested by police. Bryon Santiago, 18, of Woodbourne, and Darrin Darby, 18, of Grahamsville, were both charged Wednesday with third-degree burglary and fourth-degree grand larceny, felonies. Fallsburg Police say that the men were arrested at a home in Woodbourne and had some of the stolen good with them at the time.

Both teens were arraigned and sent to Sullivan County Jail, and placed on $10,000 bail, pending appearances Monday in Fallsburg Town Court

(Source: Times Herald Record)

10 Responses

  1. How did these 2 boys get in there?! I’m a paying parent and I have to stand behind bars to see my daughter unless it’s “palm Sunday”!

  2. Having been a parent of campers in Camp Tubby- I think you have it all wrong- They were probably trying to break out of camp!! LOL!!!

  3. The bigger question is for ANY bnos’ camp/colony. How does the hanhala ensure that the bnos yisroel are safe within their bunks; within their camps; there are workers (nisht fin inzehreh) who see security breaches in a potentially dangerous situation.
    Driving by you can see many places that don’t even require any athleticism to intrude into;
    HaShem yishmeraim!
    Does any parent share these concerns?

  4. Don’t get all hysterical by one break in. Hashem watches over us just like he does in the city.
    These criminals were not working in the camp. They are most likely from the neigborhood.

  5. It’s not *A* camp, but ALL camps. Just like we wouldn’t walk into an eatery without checking the ‘Teudah’/Kashruth Certification, theoretically we should question the physical safety of those that we are put in charge of. I do not have the time to start a public outcry, but *THINK*. We purchase the greatest locks for our doors at home to guard ourselves and our possessions, but think nothing of sending our most precious possessions to places without these ‘securities’. HaShem watches over children and fools.Which category do we fit into?

  6. In my previous post, I used the word ‘possessions’ for both the physical, purchasable kind(ie things that you can buy in a store) as well as for those neshomos that we temporarily have in our ownership while in this world. I used the same word in order to draw a parallelism between the two as well as a contrast in our guarding of the two. I’m sorry you misunderstood.

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