Glenn Beck Says Japan Quake Could Be Message From G-d To Follow 10 Commandments

Glenn Beck thinks he knows why Japan was hit by the earthquake: It might be a “message” from God.

“We can’t see the connections here,” he said on his show Monday. “I’m not saying God is causing earthquakes – well I’m not not saying that either!”

“What God does is God’s business,” Beck continued. “But I’ll tell you this…there’s a message being sent. And that is, ‘Hey you know that stuff we’re doing? Not really working out real well. Maybe we should stop doing some of it.’ I’m just saying.”

Beck continued trying to make a connection between human behavior and the natural disasters that have wreaked havoc in Japan, even casually mentioning “radical Islam” before revealing what he called “the answer.”

“The answer is, buckle up!” he said. “Because it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

In light of the disasters that have devastated Japan, the Fox host stressed people should follow the biblical Ten Commandments, or what he referred to as “10 rules of thumb.”

“What do you say we start doing those things?” he asked. “Because the things we are doing really suck. And they’re not getting better.”

(Source: NY Daily News)

39 Responses

  1. Mayan, innocent?? Stupid, maybe. Innocent of what they charged with, most certainly not… Let’s call a spade a spade please. Just because they are frum does not mean they are innocent…

  2. #7,

    We’re not Nevi’im or B’nei Nevi’im and, of course, we should have compassion on the victims, both living and dead. Could that be the RBS”O’s Cheshbon? We can make conjectures, and the timing is interesting, but we certainly can’t know for sure. One thing is certain: the RBS”O is sending us a message, which we should not ignore.

  3. Reply to #7. I actually said that right away. But Glen Beck most certainly is very right. We know that everything Hashem makes happen in the world is for us to learn from.

  4. #9, yes, innocent! If you’re going to call a spade a spade, than include EVERYTHING with it, and not just the black and white details! Those boys were fooled and tricked into taking the drugs, but as far as knowing that there were drugs in those suitcases?? Let’s not kid ourselves. Even stupid people wouldn’t be THAT stupid!

    #10, interestingly enough, I had the same line of thought as you. The first thing I thought of was the quake being linked to the boys in prison, but of course, none of us can say that for sure. One thing we do know without a doubt is “ain tzarah baah laolam ela bishvil yirael.”

    Each one of us should take that chazal to heart, because if we don’t wake up soon, we’re going to have a lot worse to deal with than earthquakes in Japan.

    My heart goes out to all those people who lost their homes, their lives, and their loved ones.

  5. #13 see ‘klei yackar’ parshes ‘bo’ on zacor es yom hashabos…explaining the discrepencies between aseres hadibros in ‘yisro’ and ‘vaeschanon’

  6. #15 – his statement “I’m not saying G-d is causing earthquakes – well I’m not not saying that either!” borders on Kefira. Of course, the RBS”O causes earthquakes, and every other natural event in the world. Even events that involve the free will of people, are guided by the RBS”O.

  7. It seems Japan has many interesting customs linking them to ancient Israel.. They have a temple on a mount Moriyah where they have a 3 times a year pilgrimage, with 3 chambers, the first for the people then the priests then they have an inner chamber where the high priest goes to bring out an ark on staves with 3 items stored in it. Priests wear 4 cornered garments and black circular boxes on forehead with straps going around the side. The Japanese Shinto religion was formed about 2200 years ago, same time exiles would reach there. Even the words are similar. Example – Samarai which means the Island guardians is similar to Shamar Ai in Hebrew. Which means the guardian of the Island. Perhaps there is something much deeper going on that’s beyond our finger point scope?

  8. #7,11,12,15, Gemora in Moed Katan says that Shvor,melech Peras, was not held responsible for his troops killing thousands of Jews, because the Jews rebeled against him.

  9. #9, yes, innocent. The charge was smuggling drugs and these kids were lied to that it was antiques and therefore knew nothing about what was really inside their suitcases. For that reason alone they are, therefore, innocent. Not stupid.

    I wonder if something was going on in Japan that we don’t know about which led to this such a show of sheer undefeatable force by the Borei Olam. But, then, let us not forget the words of the navi “ki lo machshivosai machshivoseichem vilo darkeichem dirachai, nium Hashem…”

    To try to find a reason for this awesome massive tragedy is really well beyond the scope of what we can know and do, other than someone with ruach HaKodesh.

    And these were Hashem’s creations, people, and so many of them were just wiped out without so much as a single shot fired. Truly an unimaginable tragedy.

  10. To rebyid: actually those boys passed their lie detector test flawlessly. So for the sake of calling a spade a spade. Three naive INNOCENT boys. Hashem should protect them and keep them out of harm’s way.

  11. G-d’s wrath visited upon the Japanese.

    The correlation between – 3 NUCLEAR REACTORS exploding , causing massive death and untold devastation in Japan and the CRUEL and UNJUST fate dealt to 3 HAPLESS JEWISH YOUTH –

    cannot escape attention.

    The question is whether the Japanese make the connection.

  12. #25 – That was in the past.

    Apparently we have entered a New World Order. First Japan.

    And I believe Iran is not far behind.

  13. #24 – None of us can say you are wrong, and the connection is glaring to anyone who has followed the story of the three Bochurim. Still, we are not Nevi’im, so we can’t speak for the RBS”O, certainly not with such confidence.

  14. When we read the words of the Navi, we see punishment that is not fit, according to our own measurements. After the Churban, the neighboring countries were wiped out, for rejoicing at our downfall. The Gallus was because of not keeping Shmita and keeping slaves for more that six years.

    We have seen that our oppressors were always from the top and had their drop when they were done, even in Gallus. However, Germany did very well since the war. Perhaps, because they are considered Amaleik.

  15. Re the boys: Just don’t go there.
    As far as what Glenn Beck said,uh, what exactly did he say? From the article, he didn’t sound so coherent.

  16. I thought that there are “ONLY” 2 boys still there!
    Hopefully the prison wall got destroyed & they can get back to BB.

  17. No. 8: I guess the socialist communist liberal drugs that someone slipped into your morning coffee are wearing off, so that you do not have to worry about any permanent damage – or improvement.

    For the last 10 years or so, Japan has been in an economic slump, in part because the government has followed an economic policy very close to the policy currently recommended for the US by the Republican party, i.e., lower taxes, tighter money, and lower government spending. Mr. Beck, therefore, (a) may be the first right-wing nut to suggest that US Republican Party policy proposals are a sin against God, or alternatively, (b) may not know what he is talking about and is lost in his own fanciful world. I suspect alternative (b) is more likely.

  18. Hashems plans for the world span from the beginning of time to the end of time. We only see a bit. We can speculate, but cannot say”this is the reason” – only our gedolim can – “sod hHashem li’re’av”.

    Trust Hashem – He doesn’t need our help running the world, to our relief:)

    No. 9 you are wrong about the boys.

  19. “The charge was smuggling drugs and these kids were lied to that it was antiques and therefore knew nothing about what was really inside their suitcases. For that reason alone they are, therefore, innocent. ”


    (1) Smuggling antiquities itself violates halachah and secular law. In fact, smuggling items past customs is the very question the gemara in Bava Kama 113 uses to address the concept of dina malchutcha dina.

    (2) If I convince you to steal something, you are the person who is liable before the beit din. The person who convinced the boys to do the smuggling is a rasha but Judaism expected the boys to say, “No.”

    (3) We are responsible for knowing what we are carrying when we travel.

    To call the boys “innocent” is to overturn two thousand years of settled halachah.

  20. In the Ukraine and Russia a frum Jew can get badly beaten up or even killed, if he walks around in frum garb. Japan arrested the bochurim for violating the law. Stop being ridiculous. Also, see my comment under #20.

  21. #36 I just brought in a telephone to Israel for someone else. Do you think I dismantled the pieces to see what may have been inside?

    Sure in hindsight it would have been prudent for these boys to open up the antique first.

    The person who calously handed them the antiques and put them at huge risk should be sitting behind bars, not the hapless boys.

  22. #36 Oh I forgot that you stated that smuggling is against the law…
    In that case, 90% of people coming to Israel violate the laws of smuggling.

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