One of the Five Jewish Kid’s Off The Hook in Flatbush Hate Crime

The NY Post is reporting that one of the five Orthodox Jewish teens accused of beating a Pakistani man last year after calling him a terrorist (as reported HERE on YW) is off the hook. Justice Sheryl Parker said the evidence presented to the grand jury didn’t show that #### #####, 17, had taken part in the assault. Four other Frum teen (all aged 15, 16, & 17) remain charged with assault as a hate crime, harassment and menacing. They’re accused of attacking Shahid Amber, 24, last Oct. 29, hitting him with brass knuckles, and shouting, “Go back to your country!”

39 Responses

  1. There is orthodox, and there is dressed orthodox. Granted, we are all on the road to righteousness, but if a person is proven to have used brass knuckles, I’d say he is would-be-orthodox.

  2. “I always find it strange for Jews in NY to shout “go back to your country” to other people.”

    I see you’ve encountered this a lot.

  3. The case against these Yidden has been flimsy from the get-go. DA Charles Hynes prosecuted them to show his “equal-handedness” and that he doesn’t favor Jews. (Hynes lost his case aginst Hikind.)

    Anyone familiar with the details of this case realizes that there is no evidence against them, other than the so-called victims (who started fighting with them) word against theirs.

  4. “let us stand together in defense of young men who stand up for Jewish rights”

    Um … not sure exactly which “Jewish right” you’re referring to, unless you mean the right to hit people in the face with pieces of metal.

    (Of course, I never read the original story and everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and sometimes after that as well)

  5. charedimkolyisroel
    Read the original story which states that the Pakkies attacked them first, physically & verbally.

  6. To all you ‘bleeding hearts’ who sympathize with
    these teens, just imagine what a ruckus we would have made had the situation been reversed! EVEN WITHOUT KNOWING THE FACTS!!

    Do you recall the riots in bp when the guy who was driving with his cell phone
    was arrested by police? Did anyone care to get the facts straight befoe taking to the streets??
    Now, I am the last one to prioritize with otheres before our own, but PLEASE a little objectivity!

  7. canadian guy
    you have such chutzpah to call these boys “would-be-frum” do you know them? how about some feeling towards the parents of these boys think obout how they feel being in this situation and how much worse if they knew some random person is calling thier children “would be frum” please be considerate the next time you post a comment have some feeling and together we will bring moshiach amen!!!

  8. hey charedimkol, Know the facts of the case before typing away. This young boys were yelled at with profanities and physically touched by the Pakkkies..

  9. We should stick up for our own, whether we like what they did or not. Particularly when the details are sketchy, and we don’t know if/why/how they did what they are accused of. We should learn from Al sharpie Sharpton Shr”Y, who always sticks up for his chevra.

  10. nameless, how can you not sympathize with these Yidden? Do you believe the Pakistani’s version of events over theirs? And if not why do you oppose having sympathy for the Yidden?

    Frankly this is a clear case of false prosecution. These Yidden were the ones who were the victims, and in fact they called the police!

    And why do you always blame the Jews? In Boro Park too that 80+ year old man arrested was manhandled by the police. You don’t do that to someone for speaking on a cellphone while driving.

  11. Jos, Jos, Jos,

    Calm your liver, ok? All I am saying is that we have a mentality to ‘acquit’ our own even before hearing the basic story whereas when WE are the victims we dont even take into consideration listening to the whole story,

    If in fact these boys are proven to be victims then I pray for their well being and let the pers rot in jail, but please dont deny that in reality, WE are not really concernd with anydetails which might implicate them!

    Please read post nos. 12, especially the first
    line and tell me that you agree with it!!

    ‘We should learn from Al Sharpton’,
    I mean , get real!!! should we learn from his racist principles and hatred fOR otheres as well???

  12. ‘We should learn from Al Sharpton’,
    I mean , get real!!! should we learn from his racist principles and hatred fOR otheres as well???

    Hello!! Do you think I mean we should paint our faces brown, wear afros, yell and scream, and sound like fools?! (If you did, you started out well, at least with the sounding like a fool part!)
    What I am saying is, stick up for your own is a good thing we can learn from (even such a horrible person such as) Al Sharpie Y”S. Is that a difficult concept? You could disagree, but please try to keep it relavent!

  13. nameless, the problem was that you used this incident as your example, when in fact in this incident the boys are completely innocent. If you want to make a general point, don’t use an incident, such as this, usinge innocent Yidden as a guinea pig for the example.

    BTW comment you refer to as #12 has become #13 since YW editor has approved an earlier comment that was not there previously. This unfortunately happens frequently, causing confusion when people refer to comments by their numbers (as they often do with this new system that displays the comment #), and then later YW inserts an older comment, rearranging all the other comments numbers.

  14. Jospeh,
    I meant the first line of the comment which is now number 13,

    Sorry but I do not believe we should stick up for our own even if they are wrong and I dont think that is the Torahdike way either!

  15. nameless – why if “these (Jewish) boys are proven to be victims” (as you put it), when the din is, as well as the law of the land, that you must be proven guilty–you don not have to prove innocence–you are innocent until proven otherwise.

  16. nameless, you are missing my point. These boys are not wrong. They are being railroaded (nothing unusual in Jewish history unfortunately.)

  17. Chas Visholom, I dont take it personally at all!(although I hate to think what you would ‘name’ me, lol)

    I know its innocent till proven guilty (in Europe its just the opposite), with our fellow brethern for sure. My point was, again, would we apply the same standard had theStory been the other way around?

    Joseph, I hear your point. Now, do you hear mine????

  18. Sure, I heard it all along 🙂 Just want to make sure these Jewish lads don’t take the heat for what they are innocent of.

    Don’t get me started about what you brought up regarding Europe’s corrupt (in the sense of it being extremely unfair, as our beloved Torah will certainly testify) system of guilty until proven innocent… are you in France? I know its particularly bad over there in this regard.

  19. BTW it is not guilty until proven innocent in all of Europe. Great Britain, whose laws the United States laws are based upon due to our British heritage, also has it as Innocent until proven Guilty.

    But then again, they say that Britain would feel more at home if it swam across the pond and become a U.S state.

  20. We don’t know the FACTS> We cannot come to conclusions just by what we feel or wish the facts to be. But any person ,Jewish or otherwise, is NOT frum if he disobeys the law .If a goy dresses up like a chossid,and then commits a crime,will the press say that or say a ‘ultra-orthodox Jew’ did so…Looks are not what makes a person. You can call them’ alleged frum’ boys or’ frum-looking’ boys,but not frum-behaving boys.(This is a general statement,not directed at these particular young men) Let’s wait for the facts to come out after the investigation,and hope that our fellows will get fair treatment.(who am I to judge if someone is ‘frum’ and who is anyone able to say if I am or not ‘frum’?)

  21. Just another point, if I may. It was always you who insisted that its a blessing to spend your days in Golus in the Medinah Shel Chesed rather than with the wretched, antisemtic Europeans!

    I agreed with you to an extent but I cannot recall an incident here latley where young Jewish teens have been ‘railroaded’ as you put it or have been subject to brutaltiy by police or any authoritive figure
    as in the case of the man with the cell phone! (please dont bring up the Nazi era, I am talking contemporary) The probelms here have been basically racist slurs and occassional bullying, minor beating etc.

    I am curious, would you rather find out that these boys were indeed unjustly accused in the WONDERFUL,’All men are created equal’ Land of the free’, Medinah Shel Chesed’ AMERICA??

    Or would you feel more comfortable knowing that they were respon,sible and you DO live in a fair society where there IS less Antisemitism than any where else, as you always did beleive.?

    If these boys were subject to bias, then the situation there is worst than people think!

    No, I am not in France, I know its terrible there

  22. nameless, you are mistaken. I never said that its a blessing to spend your days in Golus in the Medinah Shel Chesed. The blessing is to spend your days in Eretz Yisroel bzman Moshiach Bmeheiro Byoemeinu Amein.

    Europe is far worse in terms of contemporary anti-semitism. It is silly to even debate this point, as it is so obvious to the naked eye. Forger the police and authoritative figures, in Europe the average goy is far more hateful and violent to Yidden. Just read your local newspaper. There are stories constantly in France, Switzerland, and elsewhere in Europe week after week regarding some violent incident against Yidden. This is terrible, and the authorities there are doing nothing other than repeating the same hollow words each time, and trying to deflect blame and insist it isn’t related to anti-semitism.

    Sure America has its cheilek of anti-semitism. We are still in golus and nowhere (including most unfortunately even in Eretz Yisroel) can you avoid it.

  23. Some commentator on this site defintily made that remark, I’m sure. Maybe it wasnt you.

    Holocaust denail is a crime here whereas in America it isnt. In Belgium , when one makes a racial slur they have to pay a fine! Look its silly to argue where Anti Semitism is more prevelant,

    France is has the most Anti Semitism whereas th UK has the least(according to survey)

    In Belgium the Police work very hard to protect the Jews. Shuls are guarded on Shabbos and Yomim Tovim. Levayis RL whic are on the street are controlled by Police.

    Yes there is Anti Semitism here but its unfair to say that in certain places they havent learned from their horrid past!

  24. So how do you like living in Belgium (don’t dent it 😉 ?

    BTW in the US the police also control outdoor levayas. And protect shuls (in NYC) on Yom Tov.

    That survey was Europe specific. All surverys indicate recent (and continuous) rises in the levels of anti-semitism across Europe.

  25. Was is that obvious? LOL!

    Actually , Holland is very close and people commute all the time.

    I lived in New york as well and never noticed Police protection Shabbos.

  26. A lot were there before the war.Rav Rottenberg was the Rav before the second world war and there was a thriving Chassidish community.

  27. THere is a Rav Yiddel Rottenberg, originally from Belgium then moved to America and now Ertez Yisroel. A Belzer chosid I believe. Is this related to the same Rottenbergs?

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