Levaya of Skver Rebbe From Flatbush

candle11.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of the Skver Rebbe ZATZAL from Flatbush (Rav Mordche Twersky) – who was Niftar after a long illness. The Levaya is taking place this morning at 11:00AM in his Bais Medrash on Ocean Parkway and Quentin Road. Besuros Tovos.

10 Responses

  1. When the information becomes available can someone please post the exact address of where the family is sitting shiva.

  2. Boruch Dayan Ha’emes

    I was his Baal Koreh in the late 80s + early 90s.
    He was a great man, and I gained a lot from being in his presence.

    Yehi Zichor Boruch

  3. The Rebbe Zt”l was a tzaddik, who was dovuk to Skverer tradition. he did not veer an iota from the mesorah of Skver.

    He was a nistar. We will miss the Rebbe.

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