Chai Lifeline Hakaros Hatov Annual Lakewood Reception

chi life.gifThe Lakewood Kehila is gearing up for tonight’s massive display of chizuk for Chai Lifeline Lakewood. The occasion is the annual Hakaros Hatov Reception, an opportunity for members of the Kehila to show Hakaros Hatov to the mosad renowned for the depth, breadth and quality of its services for children and young parents that are stricken with serious life-threatening illnesses r”l and their families.

This year’s guest speaker will be Harav Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro, rav of Congregation Shaarei Tefilah in North Miami Beach, FL  and a Hakaros Hatov Award will be presented to  R’ Zev Busel and R’ Nisson Friedman for their many years of dedication  and commitment to Chai Lifeline Lakewood. Additionally, this year’s event is dedicated L’ilui Nishmas our Yedid Nefesh, Harav Yaakov Eliezer Landau zt”l.

For more information please contact Chai Lifeline, contact Rabbi Arye Adest at 732.886.1070 ext 15

5 Responses

  1. They are a wonderful organization that does so much for Klal Yisrael. Headed by Rabbi Sruli Fried, they work tirelessly for the klal, never stopping for a moment. Yasher Koach. Everybody please make an effort to attend and help out this great organization.

  2. raising funds and giving money to support the organization is the way to show them hakoras hatov! You don’t bake cookies or send a card for an organization. how else do you show your support and appreciation to an org that is there for unfortunately thousands of cholai yisroel; guiding them, holding their hands, feeding them, comforting them, and so so much more? no one should ever have to know just how much this organization does. By giving to them and enabling them to keep doing their chasodim, you show that their work is important and we support and appreciate it.

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