Rav Yisroel Elya Weintraub to be Keynote Speaker at P’eylim/Lev L’Achim Lakewood Asifa

weintraub.jpgThe streets of Bnai Brak have been buzzing with the news since it was announced early last week that the venerable Gaon, Rav Yisroel Elya Weintraub, will be making a rare trip overseas to address the Lakewood Community.

Rav Weintraub is renowned as a baki nifla in Bavli & Yerushalmi and all of Shulchan Aruch. He is best known as the final word on Hashkafa issues. His shiurim on Nefesh HaChaim, Maharal and inyanei Kabbola are attended by the elite of the Torah world.

Rav Weintraub, a man who has suffered from ill health all his life, is also renowned for his intense tefilos and Rav Chaim Kanievsky often refers desperate individuals to Rav Weintraub for his bracha.

Rav Weintraub has undertaken the arduous trip despite his infirmities in order to bolster the ongoing PROJECT RISHUM enrollment drive of P’eylim / Lev L’Achim.

He will spend Shabbos in Deal, New Jersey at the home of Lev L’Achim activist, Eddie Betesh, where he will address a Melava Malka gathering.

The Lakewood Asifa is called for 9 PM in Bais Faiga Hall and will also be addressed by Rav Uri Zohar, leader of the Teshuvah Movement in Eretz Yisroel and member of the Lev L’Achim Hanhala.

For close to fifty years Rav Weintraub has almost never ventured forth from the confines of Kollel Chazon Ish and his home on Rechov Rashbam next to the famed Lederman’s shul. This is a rare opportunity to see and hear one of the outstanding Gedolim of our time.

For private consultations with Rav Weintraub in Lakewood on Sunday, please call Rabbi Nachum Barnetsky 917-836-5975. Rav Weintraub returns to Eretz yisroel on Monday iy’H

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