Tehillim Needed for Rav Levi Rabinovitch Shlita

tehillim1.jpgRav Levi Rabinovitch is in need of Rachmei Shomayim – and urgent Tehillim is needed on his behalf. He is from the Ziknei Yerushalayim, the Mechaber of many Choshuver Seforim and the father of the famous Mekubal from Yerushalayim, Rav Gamliel Rabinovitch Shlita. His name is Levi ben Esther Mirel.

7 Responses

  1. I’m not sure that you add haKohen or haLevi in a misheberach for a choleh, just like you don’t add any honorifics before the name.

  2. You do add the kohen or levi status (if they are). But make sure to add it before the mother’s name. So it would be levi hacohen ben esther mirel

  3. From the unspoiled treasures of yerusholayim, modest and self-effacing. I am so glad that a Yid of this caliber is appreciated despite having no PR machine, no headlines, no pictures in the media. We need such genuine people to protect a generation of superficial …….

  4. In regards to “Yosher”, I don’t think this subject has to do with customs. If you look into the halachic authorities in Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De’ah(end of siman 242), you will see that just as a son does not add “avi mori” when reciting his name as a “choleh”, so to you do not add “hacohen” for someone of that caliber. The reason for this being, so as not no mention “titles” on other people when talking to the Only King. (I’m not 100% sure about this, therefore I suggest you check it with someone you can rely on as opposed to a stranger).

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