Dov Hikind Introduces “Dial It Or Ticket” Campaign

hikind.jpgPlease call NYS Governor Spitzer Toll Free at 800-319-3403 and urge him to sign Assembly Bill A6247 – banning fliers, pamphlets, handbills and  circulars on private property. “All these unsolicited ads add up to litter and sanitation tickets”!

As Governor Eliot Spitzer is set to consider Assembly bill 6247 and Senate bill 3420-A, which passed both houses of the legislature, Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) has launched a campaign asking New Yorkers to call the Governor’s office urging him to sign the bill into law.

“The proliferation of unsolicited circulars and advertising materials has gotten completely out of hand. There is an avalanche of these printed items on front doorsteps that has become a menace for homeowners. There are several deliveries of these bagged circulars and just keeping ahead of the litter they create has become burdensome.

“On private property, a homeowner should have the right to refuse the material, and this bill returns that right. Call the Governor toll free at (800) 319-3403 and ask him to sign A6247 because ‘We don’t want any more tickets.’”

(Note: The bill would not affect or include newspapers or political material.)

11 Responses

  1. What makes this a serious issue is that the Bloomberg administration has the audacity and high chutzpah to come around ticketing the homeowners when these garbage leaflets are found on the premises.

  2. Instead of outlawing these circulars that are in many cases the lifeline for many smaller businesses, outlaw the ticketing of these. Its the sanitation tickets that are the problem, not the handouts.

  3. ny100k,
    The circulars may be important for smaller merchants, but nisht oif yenem’s cheshbon. Tickets are only one problem. The flyer packets also degrade the whole neighborhood with litter, indicate to unsavory characters that people are not home, cause people to trip and fall, make the elderly and infirm have to stoop with great effort to clean up the mess etc.

  4. What about apartment buildings? These fliers are put under our doors on the doors,in the elevator.all over the lobby floor,and no one wants them.We get supermarket fliers from stores 20,30 blocks away;from stores that sell nothing we need,etc. It’s junk mail not sent by mail.What about the rest of the city?

  5. The posters on lamposts are really a big problem. Almost all of them have big gedolim pictures on them. They fall off the poles and fly all over the place. It’s become the norm now to trample all over gedolim pictures. It lessens the chashivus of a nice picture of a godol.

  6. …and once again the solution is here on YW combine #10 ans #3 – have the kinderlach clean up the flyers by the elderly and the infirm.

  7. I spoke to Charni Sochet from Dov Hikinds office and she told me that she thinks that the law basically states that residents have to put a sign up on their property stating they don’t want flyers if they do not have such a sign people are allowed to deliver flyers to that house. This is provides Governor Spitzer signs this bill into law.

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