Egypt: Senators McCain & Lieberman Tour Tahrir Square

US Senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman toured Tahrir Square this Sunday morning, the start of the Egyptian work week.

The congressmen were accompanied by US ambassador to Egypt, Margaret Scobey. During the tour, they met with several citizens and military police in the square. Lieberman wrapped himself with an Egyptian flag before handing it to one of the citizens in the square.

McCain told the official Egyptian media, Middle East News Agency (MENA) that the duo decided to visit Tahrir Square to show their support for the Egyptian people who fought hard for their freedom, adding that the US will do its best to assist the people in their quest for freedom. He pitched the United States’ support for Egypt “in every way possible,” but that the future ultimately lies in the hands of the Egyptian people.

Poetically, Lieberman said that the sun is shining now in Cairo, but that the light of freedom is there because of the Egyptian people’s peaceful revolution. Lieberman added that they will try to ensure more freedom for Egyptians and a better economic future.

Muammar Gaddafi must step down, was McCain’s take on Libya. He also said that Gaddafi has dealt with the Libyan people in a savage way, holding on to his position by killing the people and that it is important to offer support to the Libyan public.

Lieberman added that the US has imposed sanctions and a no-fly zone on Libya and that it will provide support to the transitional government in the west of the country. Lieberman also stated that Gaddafi’s actions since the revolution began are considered crimes against humanity and anyone who commits those acts should be tried in front of the International Criminal Court.

(Source: Ahram Online)

2 Responses

  1. Mccain is in idiot for supporting Obama’s policies in regards to Egypt, Moussa a big anti semite (and a moderate for Egypt) just announced his presidency today. Thank you Mccain, Boehner, Obama and Clinton for supporting our dumb policy of trying to promote elections in the Mid East.

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