Jewish Graves Unearthed in Spain

graves.jpgrabbis from Europe and Eretz Yisroel have begun a campaign to pressure the Spanish Government after workers removed bones from Jewish graves during an archaeological dig near Barcelona.  The bones were taken by researchers.  A similar incident took place in a Jewish cemetery near Cordoba. 

Both cemeteries are more than 700 years old. The Council of European Rabbis said Thursday that they have been working to rectify the situation since Tuesday.


3 Responses

  1. azi, I don’t know what you are attempting to convey, but the Spaniards are Sonei Yisroel. The Spaniards of today are the descendants of the nation that expelled us. They are no friends of ours.

  2. Jews have long memories. We remember what the Amalakies did to us, we remember what the Spaniards did to us, and we remember what the Germans yemach shemom did to us.

    And that is how it should be.

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