Traveling to the Catskills on Thursday Night? Please Read This.

yw new logo1.jpgYeshivaworld was contacted by Rabbi Bernard Freilich, special assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police with an important message for the Tzibur traveling to the mountains on Thursday evenings.

Many people stop at the Sloatsburg Rest Area (NY State Thruway) where there has been an established public Mincha & Maariv area for many years. He explained us that it took tremendous effort and Askonus to convince the NYS DOT to allow this public gathering (which can sometimes be thousands of people throughout the evening).

The NYS DOT has complained to Rabbi Freilich that they have started to have serious – valid complaints – and if they are not rectified immediately, the Mincha / Maariv are will be shut down.

Their complaints are:

#1- People started selling a variety of items at the Mincha area ranging from hot chulent, kugel, books, tapes, Mayim Chayim soda, Knaidlech, Shaitels (just kidding) etc. This is unfair to the hard working, tax paying individuals, who own the various food shops and vending machines inside the rest area. They are extremely upset – and rightfully so – that they have high rents and taxes, yet the people outside sell large quantities of items tax & rent free outside at the Mincha area.

#2- The filth which is left at the location when the masses leave is an utter disgrace and Chillul Hashem.

#3- People collecting Tzedakah (AKA: panhandlers) – which is illegal.

Rabbi Freilich informed us that he is working tirelessly to have a Kosher (Le’mehadrin) vending machine placed inside the building so that people can buy Kosher snacks.

In closing, please use the area which was so wonderfully given to us by the NYS DOT – for Davening ONLY. Do not make a Chillul Hashem by ignoring their complaints which will result in this Mincha / Maariv area being shut down.

Remember, this is NOT the Meah Shearim Shteeblach, but a NYS public rest area – used by millions each year.

Wishing you all a safe summer! –YW Editor.

26 Responses

  1. what good is a guys mincha if he makes a lasting chillul hashem in the process – the gemara says – liolam yehay odom zohir betifilas hamicha – I believe that would include making a chill hashem in the process

  2. I think we would be better off without this “offical mincha stop” as per the article
    simular to davening on planes many rabbonim daven from their seats

  3. i hope Rabbi Freilich will make sure that the vending machine is stocked with chulent and kugel for ‘toiahmeho’

  4. Why is it that Jews need to be warned by NYS officials to act appropriately? What ever happened to common decency? We are in Golus, we don’t own this country, and we should respect its laws willingly without these warnings. God would rather you daven Mincha yourself somewhere, rather than make massive chilul Hashem. Same goes for davening on planes! These people who often daven at home, suddenly are machmir on minyan on an airplane, even at times when doing so causes massive chilul hashem. Priorities people, priorities!

  5. even if not in golus .dont be a slob. dont be a chilul hashem. dont throw garbage on his floor if you wont throw it on your floor, or want him to throw his trash on your floor!! what good was a mincha minyan on the road , if the end result was a bizayon?

  6. The Sefas Emes states in a few places that a Yid is a living testemony to Hashem. Just by the way he conducts himself one can see Hashem. ATEM EIDAI.
    Halevai we (I)would act the part.

  7. I think people could survive without cholent and kugel on Thursday. I Never understood the מנהג of eating it on Thursday. Why not save the עונג for שבת קודש?

  8. Chevra-
    The people that need to hear this warning most are not on YWN. Somebody print up a sign in Yiddish and English–of course, with something to the effect that CHILUL HASHEM is the closest thing to an unforgiveable sin and that we should be especially mindful of CH during the 3 weeks so as not anger H’Y”B.

  9. So, in other words, the police doesn’t want the public Sloatsburg Rest Area to look and smell like the downstairs of Shoimer Shabbos. They actually want to keep it fit for human use.

    What a bunch of anti-semites!

  10. I really don’t understand why people are making such a big deal about this. True, it’s a bit of a chilul Hashem, but if people stop doing these things, and the the complaints stop, the problem will almost be rectified. Our real worry should be the possibility that people don’t listen to these rules – not so much the necessity of them in the first place.


    when i was a kid we called it the bathroom stop and now its the MINCHA STOP


  12. To SYMCL
    The area in the discussion is actually a NYS Thruway Rest Area with all its usual amenities that contains a special area designated for Mincha minyanim. This was in response to a hazard that was created at the toll booths and exits when heimishe people would try to flag down other yidden to make a minyan. This area has regular DOT signs on the road leading up to it advising drivers that this service is set up. So if your kid is squirming in the back seat then this is still a bathroom stop, but if you are speeding to try to chap the last minyan in Kiryas Yoel or looking for a discreet place to daven before Shkiya then this becomes a Mincha stop. It all depends on your pressing need at the moment!!

  13. what’s with this fascination with kugel & chulent on thursday nights? i thought these were ‘shabbos’
    delicacies. i also don’t think we need a kosher food vending machine at this stop. just daven & if need be, use the facilities already in place at the rest stop. bottom line, it would be better to daven in the car than cause a chillul Hashem.

  14. Here’s an idea….

    Next Thursday evening a couple of guys from Shomrim (BP, Willy, Monsey…) should be stationed at the Mincha area with R’ Freilich.. and observe the goings-on. If there are ppl that do not behave in a legal and proper manner they should be informed of the issues at hand.

    I know this sounds like a camp counsler, but it seems that it what is needed. If we can’t police ourselves the NYS DOT will do it for us.

  15. What needs to be done is very simple. The Rabbonim need to put out a tzetel (copy in Yiddish and Hebrew [and Russian]) That it is assur to buy from a vendor at the minchah stop because it creates a chilul hashem and animosity amongst the Goyim. The Yidden However, are not going to buy hotdogs by the truckstop, so additionally someone should speak to the state about purchasing a vendor license somewhat similar to the hotdog carts in NYC. Anyone without a license gets ticketed and fined. This would cover all bases. The illegal vendors would be fined and not come back. The Goyish vendors would know the yidden also pay for permits, principly for people that are not likely to be their customers anyway, and the oilum gets to fress kugel and cholent on layl shishi. What more could you ask for?

  16. It’s a real chillul hashem but what about the yiden what do they talk about their fellow brothers so low i understand its an utter disgrace but you sound like anti-semits

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