A Thank You Letter to Hatzolah, NYPD & FDNY

9706 cover1.jpgYW had a story yesterday (HERE) where a young boy had his leg stuck in the lift-gate of a truck. Hatzolah arrived on the scene and called for the NYPD ESU units and FDNY Rescue personnel to respond to the scene. Bichasdei Hashem, the child was taken to the hospital & released quickly after – without any serious injuries. The parents of the child have written the following letter to be publicized: 

Dear 911 & הצלה Members,

Thanks to Hashem, our son is now  home & fine. We would like to express a tremendous thank you for the quick response of all the unbelievable yeshiva staff, Hatzalah & 911 members including paramedics, EMT’s, fire department – who with out their help & tools saving the foot would have been impossible. ESU, police, & everyone else who came to help get our sons foot out of the truck in a most careful way so to cause the least possible damage, while being calmed and distracted by a Hatzalah member to lessen & ease the pain trauma & fear involved. (To the person that wrote they come like flies ב”ה they do! Imagine they wouldn’t!)
Hashem should help you that no one shall ever need your help again, but when you’re needed, you’re there. We definitely recognize your hard work & devotion. May Hashem bless & repay all of you with long happy & healthy lives for you & your families.

We really appreciate it,
From the parents
& Son!

7 Responses

  1. interesting they are thanking the police and hatzolah togethor . and a article today about hatzolah and fd pd…….

  2. Very nice of the family to thank Hatzolah and the NYPD. From my years in EMS I can say that we rarely got a thank you. Yes it is our job to do it but a simple thank you goes a long way. It helps us do our job that much better.

  3. I was at the scene of the accident. Hatzoloh worked with all the various agencies hand in hand. This was a perfect example of proper teamwork.

    We let the crews do their job, a terrific one at that, and once the child was freed Hatzoloh – who was first on scene- transported the patient.
    -luckily MobileMedic doesn’t cover Boro Park 🙂

    On a side note:
    To those who whine about Hatzoloh “over reacting” and sending too many members on scene; have a good look at the picture and tell me how many other people are around in that yard?

    With all due respect to the ESU and FDNY, I counted close to twenty uniformed non Hatzoloh personnel.

    And what was that chopper all about?????

    Imagine Hatzoloh dispatching a Chopper? What would our Yiddelech have to say??


    It was a Maimonides ambulance, but Hatzolah went along.

    Thanks to all the members on the scene.

    B-238 who comforted the child and did not let go B-67 ALS W-215 ALS B-75 B-46 B-228 RL-45 B-212 B-41

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