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Moscow Mayor Declines Sephardic Shul in City Center

The Moscow City Council decided that a kindergarten should be built in Mantulinskaya St. in the Moscow center instead of a Sephardic synagogue. The decree has already been signed by Mayor Yury Luzhkov, a spokesperson for the City Council said today. ‘According to the mayor’s decree, the earlier document booking the land plot in the Mantulinskaya St. for the Moscow Sephardic community is declared null and void,’ he said.

According to the spokesperson, Mayor Luzhkov has also ordered a new land plot for the Sephardic synagogue and cultural center to be found, but not in the city center.

(Source: Interfax)

2 Responses

  1. Ah, such love the goyim have for Jews! Am I mistaken in understanding that they already had a written agreement, and that it is now being abrogated? Is this legal?

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