2:48PM EST: Yeshivaworld EXCLUSIVE: Body of Eli Horowitz Z”L Just Found in Toronto Lake

yw logo2.jpgUPDATE 2:55PM EST: Yeshivaworld has just been informed that a positive ID has just been made by the OPP – and it is in fact the body of Eli Horowitz Z”L. 2:48PM EST:Yeshivaworld has just been informed that a body was found by a fisherman a few moments ago in Toronto the North Bay Waterfront. The OPP are working to confirm that this is in fact the body of Eli Horowitz who went missing last summer while on a fishing trip with his father-in-law in Lake Nipissing. (Original story reported HERE on YW)

Eli Horowitz, 30, and his father-in-law, Heine Mondrowitz Z”L , went missing on Aug. 21 2006 after renting a boat for a fishing trip. Their boat was found empty two hours later, with no sign of them.

The body of Heine Mondrowitz Z”L was found a few days later on the shore (reported HERE on YW).

Massive search and rescue crews scoured the area for weeks by air, land & sea, but no trace of the body of Eli Horowitz was ever found.

45 Responses

  1. “Hamehalech Baderech v’shoma kol tzevacha ba’ir, v’omar ‘Yehi Ratzon shelo yehei metoch beisi’, harei zeh tefilas Shav”. (brachos 56 or so, i don’t have a gemara with me)

    We can still be mispalel that the aguna and her family have a yeshua bekarov. But this one specifically, either it is or it isn’t. Tefila won’t change that.

    On second thought, if it is him, tefila could help, if one is mispalel that they shouyld be successful in coming up with a halachically valid ID.

  2. That was the strangest feeling I have ever had. I was actually happy to hear that someone so young was dead. Then I stopped and remembered the tragedy and again was happy that hopefully the family can begin to move forward.

  3. Hoidu lahashem ki toiv!!!!!!!!!
    There was a very big appeal held in Rabbi Landau’s shul in Flatbush not long ago for another search. Now his wife will be able to remarry and his relatives can sit shiva and say kaddish. Reb Elyashiv shlita had told them that they must continue to search before he even agrees to hear the shaila.
    It seems that the fisherman found his body, not the search team. But the Lake is nowhere near Toronto, it is actually 3 hours north of Toronto!

  4. Our thoughts are with his wife and children who went through almost a year of living gehinom. May Hashem help them get closure on this terrible ordeal fast.

    Perhaps we can all do one ma’aseh chesed, or learn one mishna liluy nishmas Eli. He gave so much to the Toronto community; let’s do a final chesed.

  5. be4 commenting here, people should find out what amazing efforts were done by SO many people in Toronto, the Ontario Police and so on – words cannot describe all the details – one should realize that his body was Byad Hashem every second and His hashgocha helped it be found today and everyone who helped in the search will receive schar for being part of a HUGE Kiddush Hashem

  6. Besides the matter of the family, we have to thank HaKodosh Boruch Hu that this Yid will be zocheh to Kever Yisroel.

  7. Amazing!!
    Ten Rabbonim from Toronto decided to drive up to the site of Eli Horowitz’s disappearance on this Shiva Osor Betammuz to be mispallel and to use the segula used by the Avney Nezer in a similar case.
    While driving up to North Bay- two hours into the three hour drive- they got the besura that Eli Horowitz had been found by a local fisherman.
    The zechus of the machshovo and maase tova of a minyan of gedoley torah from Toronto seems to have created the zchiya to find Eli Horowitz

  8. the lavaye is at the bais yaakov elementary school in toronto (15 Saranac Boulevard) at 1.30pm wednesday july04, 2007

  9. And while we’re at it, what is the segulah found in Sefer Taamai Haminhagim? (In addition to the segulah from the Avnai Naizer.)


  11. The segula is to put bread on the water for the body to rise. The Toronto Rabbonim were on their way to do it yesterday when they received a call from Hatzolah that the body was found. I think it’s so chilling that it was davka found on 17 Tammuz. Nothing is coincidental. B”H the poor woman is not an Agunah anymore and can remarry. The whole story is just so sad! 🙁

  12. Boruch Hashem this woman is not an Agunah anymore.It is so nice to see that Ten Rabbonim cared enough about the plight of this particular Agunah that they were prepared to drive 3 hours each way, plus when taking into account the time of being mispallel at the lake, would bring it to a total of approx. 7 hours of their precious time.

    Edited By Site Moderation Panel.

  13. The Rabbonim heard the news that the body was found about 20 minutes before they got to the lake.

    About the segulah, it’s specifically supposed to be done on a fast which is why someone (a very special person) arranged it all for yesterday.

  14. To the Site Moderation Panel,

    You have taken my comment and edited away the second part which to me was just as if not more important than the first part.

    It is a shame that your site of all sites should edit away such an important point.

    Please remove my comment as I did not submit the comment to be posted the way you posted it.

    Thank you.

    Moderation Panel Response: We will not allow any questioning of any Rabbonim or Gedolim on this website. Please read the site rules HERE

  15. Rabbi Hirschmann and Rabbi Feigenbaum were also among the ten and they definitly ha not performed the segula yet.

  16. the segula entails floating a challa with a candle on it in the vicinity of the disappearance while all
    present are fasting
    i believe that the ten rabbonim included r.feigenbaum, r.lowy, r.kulik, r.bixenspanner,r.hirshman, doctor zoberman, r.brogna
    and i am not sure who else was present

    and the besura came definetely before they had reached the lake
    amazingly the body was totally intact and the police were amazed at the state of the niftar’s body

  17. To the Site Moderation Panel,

    There was no questioning of any Rabbonim or Gedolim in the second part of my comment which you edited away. Reread the comment.

  18. I have read about how Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l used to cry for hours on end over agunos. The effort and time he personally put into trying to solve these problems was phenomenal. And I have heard that other Gedolim do the same or similar.

    It boggles my mind that someone could question this, as certain factions of Klal Yisrael often do. Anyone who thinks that the Gedolim don’t care about this does not know the facts, or does not care about the facts. Some of those people think they can change Halachah, as if that means they care more than the Gedolim do. Rachmanah litzlan.

    Moderation Panel Responds: The commentator above wanted to know why the Rabbonim put extra effort in helping this Aguna as apposed to the countless others. Please do not post any responses to this, as they will not be approved.

  19. Everyone is sitting Shiva at the Feigenbaums who live at 30 Dell Park Ave. If you want to call from out of town their number is 416-781-5979.
    But please remember that you are going to be menachem the avel – and be careful what you say – it is better to say nothing than to say something stupid. IT is not important to say something eloquent – it is just important that you came. And remember that nobody likes to be pitied – especially in such a situation when you know everyone is thinking “nebach”.

  20. To answer the question why they hadn’t done it earlier than now-it was announced by the levaya that Rav Chaim kanievsky had just given the segula right before rosh chodesh tamuz.Also,they are saying in toronto that the body was found whole.

  21. The hours for the shiva are as follows:
    No one should come 12:30-1:30, 5:45-to around 6:45ish and after 10:00 PM Please respect these hours.
    As well – it is 100% true that the body was found whole and in very good condition.
    There were over 1000 people at the levaya – may Eli be a Maylitz Yosher for klall Yisrael.

  22. When it comes to being menachem avail, people often ask, “What should I talk about?”

    Actually, it is better to talk very little and listen. The avail needs to talk and needs to know someone is listening. He or she does not need to hear anyone else talk at this time. Except certain Gedolim, who would talk because they knew what to say at the right time.

  23. toronto
    i counted over 1200 on the men’s side alone and the ladies’ section was supposedly full too, so that makes it around 2000 people at the levaye.
    Extremely moving hesped by Eli’s father (not a dry eye in the hall) and also fiery words from the godol hador R’Shlome Miller as well as from Rabbi Feigenbaum- a close friend of the niftar’s family

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