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London’s Second Day of Terror. US Intelligence Had Warnings

yw new logo7.jpgOn Saturday, a sport utility vehicle was driven into an entrance at Scotland’s Glasgow International Airport and burst into flames. Two men were immediately arrested at the airport. One was hospitalized with severe burns; Flames shot into the sky around the airport terminal where hundreds of travelers were inside at the time.

“After police moved people away, there were three explosions from the car. When people heard that, people started moving pretty quick,” said witness Thomas Conroy.

Eyewitnesses caught the first images on cell phones. They say one man took out a gas canister as if to throw it.

“He got a can of petrol out and started pouring it over himself and over the car. I told my wife and kids to get out of the way,” said witness James Starke.

Bystanders wrestled at least one man to the ground.

“He was shouting ‘Allah,’ and throwing punches,” said an airport employee.

Scotland Yard says that four people are now in custody for the terrorist acts in London and Scotland. The United Kingdom raised its terrorism threat level to critical, the highest level possible.

U.S. law enforcement officials received intelligence reports two weeks ago warning of a possible terror attack in Glasgow against “airport infrastructure or aircraft,”

The intelligence reports also warned that airports and aircraft in the Czech Republic could be the targets of al Qaeda-connected terrorists.

The warnings were kept secret for operational reasons, according to officials. In public, the White House and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff have continued to maintain they know of no specific or credible threats involving the United States, even though the intelligence reports specify US aircraft as possible targets.

A US official said that the intelligence reports led to the assignment of Federal Air Marshals to flights into and out of both Glasgow and Prague.

(Sources: AP / Reuters / Sky / Fox / ABC)

One Response

  1. “He was shouting ‘Allah,’ and throwing punches,” said an airport employee- they’re abnormal- imagine your whole body burning and still throwing punches!

    Hashem is sending us messages to do Teshuvah we shold be mekabel them before chas v’sholom they get any nearer…

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