On Tuesday afternoon, a car lost control, drove onto a sidewalk and mowed down a Jewish woman – killing her instantly R”L. The accident took place on 86th Street in Brooklyn. Members of the Chesed Shel Emmes organization were called to the scene to do their Avodas Hakodesh. The woman was buried in the Chesed Shel Emmes Chelka. Click HERE for additional photos.
11 Responses
did she have any family ? was she older ? any contact person who she ate by, was she homeless ? nebach!!
According to news reports, the victim was identified as Lyudmila Piyavskaya, 53.
Likely noone is keeping stats, and perhaps noone should
but it seems the fatal accident rate in our communities has been eyeopening frequent
shmuelt talked of: …the fatal accident rate in our communities…
Yes, we must surely do teshuvah, but part of that high fatal-accident rate is probably because we live in such dense communities, k’nein ahara. We all lived so packed up against each other, and we don’t even notice it. It seems normal, until you move someplace where you can breathe without smelling the neighbors’ breath.
The work of Chesed Shel Emes is most noble.
How do they know that she’s even jewish?
There you go again Rev Motche with your absurd comments that “part of that high fatal-accident rate is probably because we live in such dense communities” What have you been breathing?
Reb Motcha-
Are you saying that in a less densely populated area a car can’t go out of control?
7 & 8 It can go out of control, but in NYC and Bklyn where the streets are packed, there are many more people(targets) to kill.
Reb Motcha is a good fellow . There should be no name calling on these pages .
Shtusim Vahavalim. Sounds too technical to make such a blanket statement like Reb Motcha did.