Intel Senators Say No Indication of Trump Tower Wiretapping Before Or After Election

The top two senators on the intelligence committee say they have seen no indication that Trump Tower was “the subject of surveillance” by the U.S. government before or after the 2016 election.

President Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama of wiretapping him and asked congressional committees investigating Russia’s interference in the election to pursue that as well.

Republican Sen. Richard Burr and Democratic Sen. Mark Warner issued a joint one-sentence statement and did not elaborate. The two senators are leading one of three congressional investigations into Russia and the presidential election. The probes include looking into Trump associates’ contacts with the Kremlin.

In response to Trump’s claims, the Justice Department is doing its own review of whether Trump or any of his associates were the subject of surveillance.


6 Responses

  1. Nice to see Trump finally called out for one of his many lies. Would be nice to see him called out for all his other outrageous and unsubstantiated rantings.

    Will the man who never apologizes finally man up and apologize for publicly slandering President Obama?

  2. He said in a Fox interview last night that he’s got lots of evidence and he should be releasing it in the next couple of weeks. Didn’t we hear the exact same thing with the ladies’ accusations?? It was a complete lie by a lying degenerate.

  3. This was the top headline in the NYTimes, above the fold, January 20th, INAUGURATION DAY. Trump quotes it and “he” is the liar? wow! you must be a crazy kanoi.

  4. Re comment no. 2: We heard the exact same thing from Trump, i.e., that he’s got lots of evidence and will release it soon, when he assured us that Pres. Obama was not born in the US.

    Re comment no. 3: Please take some time to learn antecedents. Maybe that will help you write cogent, intelligible comments.

    You guy’s are infected with obamaclintonitis infection is a terrible disease because has no cure a makes you BLIND,
    in Hebrew they call it
    כי השוחד יעור עיני חכמים
    The שוחד is the liberal Walfare Food stamps etc. המבין יבין
    I love you guy’s because the same senators also said they didn’t find any conection with trump & Russia & your Rebbe CNN שליט”א continue saying Russia Trump
    DON’T worry soon we will hear Good news

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