Four Detroit Police Officers Shot Inside Precinct

Action News sources say four Detroit police officers have been shot inside the Northwest District on the city’s west side. The district office is located near Warwick and Plymouth and houses both the 6th and 8th precincts.

A man walked into the lobby and opened fire. He was killed by police.

The conditions of the officers are not known. A source says one of the officers is a commander, one is a patrolman. the other is a clerk.

They were rushed to Sinai Grace.

Police sources tell Action News that the gunman walked into station just as any citizen can do. They say the shooter walked past the desk and fired down a hallway hitting a female sergeant in the chest. Sources say she was wearing a bulletproof vest and should be OK.

Police tell Action News that the gunman then shot a second officer in the side of the face and neck.

Sources say a precinct commander then grabbed the wounded sergeant’s gun and exchanged shots with the gunman. The commander was then shot in the back.

Next, the gunman jumped over a counter to attempt to shoot more officers. At that point, other officers opened fire, killing him.

A camera inside the precinct captured images of the shooting and sources who have seen that video say it is graphic.

(Source: WXYZ)

2 Responses

  1. Something is terribly wrong with the system. Every day there are shootings involving high profiles. I certainly don’t remember this couple yrs ago. Is it the obama admin or what. Or must be those lovely highly educational dramatic holywood movies who have trodden the path for there crooks. High time they got banned. The world1.s a crazy place to be in.

  2. erbp:
    You may not remember 1968 and the assassinations of Dr. King and Bobby Kennedy. You may not remember learning of the assassination that sparked WWI. Nor the anarchists of earlier in the century (most people forget that we had a president shot in New York by what we would call today a “terrorist”).
    We aren’t going to ban Hollywood movies, nor video games, nor comic books (you may not know of 1954 and the creation of the Comics Code Authority).
    This pre-dates Obama.
    The world is crazy. Every generation has its crazies. And every generation looks for the reason that there are crazies (maybe its fluoride in the water? A communist conspiracy? Illegal aliens? A fifth column? Non-Americans? Jews/Blacks/Irish/Italians?)
    The world is a crazy place and there is nothing new under the sun.

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