Giuliani Says He Is More Likely To Run For President In 2012 If Palin Makes Bid

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said he is “more likely” to run for president in 2012 if former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin makes a bid, according to snippets from an interview to air on CNN Monday night.

“The more Republicans in which I can show a contrast, probably the better chance, the better chance that I have,” Giuliani is quoted as saying on CNN host Piers Morgan’s Twitter account.

“My one chance, if I have a chance, is that I’m considered a moderate.”

The implication being that Palin, a Tea Party favorite, is not a moderate.

Palin, Sen. John McCain’s running mate in 2008, is widely assumed to be readying a run at the presidency next year. But only 27 percent of Americans have a positive impression of her, an all-time low, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released this week.

A spokeswoman for CNN said the quotes are verbatim.

Giuliani hinted on CNBC this week that he may run for president again, despite his poor showing during the 2008 Republican primaries.

(Source: NY Post)

4 Responses

  1. Sorry Giuliani Only a right wing extremest will be elected in 2012 we had enough of liberal moderates on both sides of the isle, you made a good mayor but you have no chance at president its time for you to call it quiets and fade away

  2. Giuliani hasn’t won an election since 1997, and totally bombed in 2008. He could have gone for Governor or a United States Senate seat last year, but chickened out. He’s known for security issues, but that will likely be irrelevant for 2012. He’s turning into another Harold Stassen – and he’s old enough to know better.

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