New York Named Second-Rudest City In America

New Yorkers may be a little gruff, but the city is not the rudest in America, according to a survey in Travel & Leisure magazine. The survey found that New York is the second-rudest city in America, right after Los Angeles.

Philadelphia, Miami and Washington are also in the top five.

New York was voted tops for restaurants, luxury stores and theaters.

But those surveyed ranked New York among the noisiest and dirtiest cities.

(Source: NY1)

7 Responses

  1. Big shocker, there. I hope the survey didn’t cost too much, since anyone who knows NYC already knew what the survey determined.

  2. I hope this doesnt apply to the frum community, but I would be curious to find out the US community with the most hachnasas orachim and ahavas chesed

  3. Lets take a look a moment what Rude really means. I’m a new yorker and I just traveled from new york to florida. The check-in in NY took app. 7-8 minutes and the person a the check in counter wasn’t smiling or extra talkative. she simply and briskly did a “rude” quick job and even let my overweight suitcase pass because she wanted to help the next customer.

    while in Florida i had about 5 agents from the airlines smiling at me and telling me which line is available. When I finally got an agent to help me with the check-in she “politely” repeated every question and painstakingly got me through the process for a total of 45 Min. She even explained to me in all honesty that they make the process slow so they will have everything correct without any mistakes

    In other words “Rude” New Yorkers are just a little quicker than “Polite” Country Pumkins

    How long would it take you to get down 14 Ave ? I wish you good luck the next time you’re in new york and please… don’t block my lane !

  4. I like comment #6. It is so true…NY and LA are not rude we just move “with a purpose and at a fast rate”. There are mitzvah out there we need to attend to. Besides this is a silly survey.

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