Truck Scatters Mail For 70 Miles

Hundreds of pieces of mail fluttered onto interstates in eastern Missouri Sunday after the back door of a contractor’s semi carrying mail for the U.S. Postal Service popped open.

The mail was scattered along 70 miles of highway near St. Louis, according to Postal Inspector Dan Taylor, who said the tractor-trailer was carrying mostly statements and bills bound for the West Coast. He added that he didn’t think any personal mail was lost.

The truck had just left a St. Louis-area distribution center and was headed to a Memphis, Tennessee, distribution point, Taylor said.

Police and postal authorities spent hours along the highway picking up mail Sunday afternoon.

The Postal Service is investigating how the incident happened so it can be prevented in the future, Taylor said.

(Source: CNN)

4 Responses

  1. what it wasen’t done on purpose ????????????
    he is traveling for 70 miles &he dosen’t relize that he droped somthing I THINK HE BELONGS GOING TO SEE A DOCTOR(OR SOME OTHER MENTAL HELP)NOT WORKING FOR THE POST OFFICE?????????????????????????????????????????????

  2. According to the article, the trucker was a contractor, not a postal employee. The back door of a trailer is over 60 feet behind the driver. How is he supposed to know that it’s open?

  3. yehuda….how about when he sees tons of mail fluttering behind him in his side and rearview mirrors?? i sincerely hope he checked his mirrors at least once while driving 70 miles!

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