Rav Shteinman Taken to The Hospital

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June 25 10:54AM EST: According to the YW sources in Eretz Yisroel, Hagoen Rav Shteinman Shlita is scheduled to I”H be released from the hospital either today or tomorrow. Please be advised that there is some discrepancy as to what his exact name is for Tehillim. Our sources insist that the name posted here is correct. Either way, please continue to be Mispallel for his Refuah Shelayima.

June 24, 9:12AM EST: Early Sunday morning, Hagoen Rav Aron Leib Shteinman Shlita was taken to the Mayney Hayeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak after not feeling well. He is reported to be in stable condition. Please be Mispallel for אהרון יהודה לייב בן גיטל לרפו”ש. (Click on image to ENLARGE a Kappital Tehillim.)

19 Responses

  1. I believe that the majority of Klal Yisroel have a Chiyuv to davven for him because of hakoras Hatov that he was so shvach and he nevertheless traveled to inspire American & European jewry…

  2. I believe that the majority of Klal Yisroel have a Chiyuv to davven for him because of hakoras Hatov that he was so shvach and he nevertheless traveled to inspire American & European jewry…

    Comment by noitallmr

    and i believe the other part of klal yisroel has a chiyuv to davven for him because he is a choleh b’yisroel besides being from gedoileh hador…

  3. every jew would be happy to daven for someone that was a tremendous rodef shalom and loved all sugei yidden equally

  4. Presumably “lein” in Sabra’s post is a spelling mistake???

    You should be very careful in your spelling when you write what his CORRECT name is.

  5. yuda and yehuda is the same name. Many people spell it Yuda (yud-vav-daled-alef) so as not to mistakenly write the shem Hashem.

    I think we are making a big deal about nothing.

    Besides let’s not forget the famous story from R’ Moshe (someone correct me if I am getting the story wrong), that once R’ Yaakov was sick and they were saying Tehillim and no one knew R’ Yaakov’s mother’s name. R’ Moshe said that you should just say R’ Yaakov, the Ribono Shel Oilam know very well who R’ Yaakov is.

    I’m sure the Ribono Shel Oilam knows good and well who Rav Shteinam is.

  6. G’ Kop’s posts reminds me of a story I heard recently.
    A Yeshiva Bochur once had a dilemma so he send an email to a rav with a shailah involving his tefillin. Apparantly there was an imperfection on his tefillin shel yad and he asked if Hashem will really be bothred abouth that slight imperfection. Cant he just proceed to daven with these tefillin.?
    The Bochur waited a few weeks and never got a reply. Finally he wrote back and asked his Rav why he never responded.

    The Rov replied’ I DID respond, however I must have omitted the DOT before the ‘com’ when I wrote your email adress!

    Ofcourse Hashem knows who Rav Shteineman is but normally we say Tehillim for a Choileh WITH the mother’s name!

  7. re: nameless

    I think that story happened with a Rav and a Ba’al Teshuvah who wanted to know why we are so Makpid on even the tiniest Halachos, like spending hours checking the tops of our Lulavs for a tiny split…I heard this version from various reliable sources…

  8. Could be that there are two similar stories then. The point here was a that even Frum people think we can please Hashem with only 70 per cent. But WE in turn expect MORE than 70 percent from HIM. NO one is content with 70 per cent Health Chas Visholom, or 70 per cent Nachas etc….

  9. Note that his sefer Ayeles Hashachar is an acronym of his name with a yud. P.S. Please write names in english letters for those using devices without hebrew.

  10. ..harav aron yuda (not yehuda) ben gittel

    I once heard a shiur about being mispallel for a Godol who is choleh r”l. We don’t mention any titles etc. before the name when being mispallel for him. It’s not a time for showing ‘Maros’ or ‘Gadlus’. We just mention the name plain.

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