L.I. Lawmaker: Flying Ice Should Be A Crime

A lawmaker on Long Island says drivers who leave huge chunks of snow and ice on their vehicles after a snowstorm should be subject to a ticket by the police.

Suffolk County Legislator Jon Cooper has proposed a bill to require drivers clear their vehicles. He says five other states, including Connecticut and New Jersey, have such laws. He hopes enacting the law in Suffolk County will inspire state lawmakers to follow suit.

Fines for those who fail to clear their vehicles would start at $75. They could rise to as much as $1,500 if the flying snow and ice causes an accident that injures people.
Cooper says his priority is not to collect fines, but to keep people safe. The proposal will be taken up by the county legislature next month.

(Source: WCBSTV)

6 Responses

  1. all the law is requiring is to use common sense which unfortunately is not common.

    that’s why we have laws requiring seat belts and no handheld cell phones.

    you don’t want to be on the receiving end of someone’s snow and ice while driving at 60 mph.

  2. In Jersey they have the law but even today I noticed many cars, trucks, vans etc., on the Turnpike with snow & ice coming off. Seems like there’s little enforcement of this law.

  3. Just this morning while on the 9A going North the wind was blowing snow off a roof of a car causing blind spots for cars following

    Since common sense is not so common (Reader’s Digest Quotable Quotes , long time ago) we need to protect you and me since others think you and me are not worth it

  4. This law really fixes a big problem. Frankly, I don’t know I managed to survive until now without it. Lots of people I know have been dropping like flies, getting killed one right after another as a ice, snow and slush rampantly and indiscriminately dirties our windshields. O, the humanity!

    The good thing is, New Jersians always have an extra 10 minutes in the morning with nothing better to do, so now they can spend that time chipping out unnecessary parts of their cars…or else.

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