Gov. Cuomo ‘Shocked’ By Raises For 28 Top NY Troopers

Gov. Cuomo expressed “shock” not once but three times yesterday after The Post’s disclosed that 28 State Police brass secretly received huge wage increases last month amid the state’s worsening fiscal crisis.

“I was surprised and I was shocked, as I think most New Yorkers were,” said Cuomo, who cut his own pay and that of many of his top aides five percent after taking office last week.

“I think it’s insensitive. That why I was surprised and that’s why I was shocked and that’s why I’m reviewing it,” Cuomo continued.

“Surprise and shock,” he said at another point.

Cuomo said he had ordered a review of the pay hikes with an eye towards rolling them back.

The Post disclosed yesterday that the entire top echelon of the scandal-scarred State Police received pay hikes as high as 18 percent in December, even as then-Gov. Paterson warned of a $9 billion budget gap and was about to fire 900 state workers.

The raises totaled nearly $600,000 and were authorized by acting State Police Supt. John Melville, who received a $20,394-a-year hike to $179,756.

The post of first deputy superintendent, which was filled Jan. 4 by Cuomo’s nominee to head the State Police, Joseph D’Amico, received the largest salary hike, $28,077, bringing the annual pay to $182,756.

But an aide to Cuomo told The Post that D’Amico, who is awaiting Senate confirmation, was unaware of the pay hike and would instead take the far lower legally-set salary paid to a State Police superintendent, $136,000-a-year.

State Police officials justified the pay hikes by claiming a newly negotiated contract with the force’s Supervisors Unit increased salaries of police majors to an amount equal to or higher than the pay received by their supervisors.

The new governor said he’ll review the increases, which were requested by the police agency after a union agreement bumped some majors to $170,756 salaries, topping executive staff pay.

(Source: NY Post)

5 Responses

  1. does he also want to stop the food stamps raises? or he only wants discourage the working population?????????????????????????????????????

  2. Who negotiated the contract with the union? The raise is in accordance with the terms of the contract. Go after the state negotiators, not those who benefit from the negotiations.

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