U.S. Suit Says NYC Overbilled Medicaid By ‘Tens Of Millions’

The federal government has accused New York City of overbilling Medicaid by “at least tens of millions of dollars” by improperly approving 24-hour home care for thousands of patients.

In a lawsuit filed Tuesday, the United States attorney’s office in Manhattan also insinuated that the city had cheated the federal government after a 2006 change in Medicaid rules relieved the city of having to contribute to the cost of the round-the-clock care. In many cases, the government said, the city enrolled patients who did not need such services. And in some cases, the lawsuit alleged, the city approved in-home care for people who needed more intensive services, like nursing home care, but which would have required the city to contribute to the cost.

In one example, the government said a 75-year-old woman with dementia who tried to jump out her window several times a day and who punched her daughter was kept in the home care program when she should have been in an “appropriate facility,” like a psychiatric center.

The lawsuit, which followed a whistle-blower’s complaint, also said the city ignored rules requiring recommendations from doctors, nurses and social workers before patients could be enrolled in the home care program, or sometimes rejected doctors’ findings that the services were not needed. The lawsuit did not say exactly how much overbilling the federal government believed had occurred, but it asked the court to award it triple damages.

Home care, which provides aides who help with housecleaning, dressing, bathing, shopping and other personal needs, is one of the fastest growing services covered by Medicaid, the joint federal-state health care insurance program for the poor.

High Medicaid costs are threatening the budgets of New York and many other states, and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo recently appointed a task force to try to bring the state’s Medicaid spending under control.

The federal investigation looked at cases from 2000 to 2010 and found that in some instances, patients received too many services at home, and in other cases, they did not get enough services and should have been placed in an institution.

The suit addressed the roughly 17,500 people who have received Medicaid coverage for 24-hour “personal care services” in the city over the last decade. The cost ranges from $75,000 a year for a single aide to $150,000 a year for several aides who work around the clock, sleeping at clients’ homes.

The United States attorney’s office said the city had improperly authorized coverage for a “substantial percentage” of the clients. The complaint said the city routinely reauthorized the care without getting a required assessment from a doctor working for a private agency hired by the Human Resources Administration. In some cases, it said, city officials overruled the findings of private agency doctors or did not consider assessments from nurses and social workers.

The complaint suggests one possible motive. Before 2006, it says, the 24-hour home care program, called Personal Care Services, program was financed jointly by the federal, state and New York City governments. But since 2006, in New York City, the cost has been equally split between the federal and state governments.

The city enrolled patients in personal care, “even though certain patients were ineligible to receive such services and should have received services through a different program,” the complaint said. It added, “The city has been unjustly enriched by this practice because, since January 1, 2006, the P.C.S. program is not funded by the city, whereas alternative programs are.”

The complaint, which alleged improper enrollments stretching back at least a decade, did not say whether they rose significantly since 2006.

The allegations came to the attention of the federal government through Dr. Gabriel Feldman, who worked in a private agency under contract to the city. Under the whistleblower law, Dr. Feldman would receive part of any money the government recovered from the lawsuit. The government often settles Medicaid overbilling cases out of court.

(Source: NY Times)

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