Petira Of R’ Yossi Pressburger Z”L Of Flatbush – Niftar Suddenly In Detroit

YWN regrets to inform you of the sudden Petira of R’ Yossi Pressburger Z”L, of Flatbush.

R’ Yossi who worked for Kedem Wines, was on business in Detroit when he suffered a massive heart attack.

R’ Yossi, was the Gabbai at Agudas Yisroel Snif Zichron Shmuel in Flatbush, and was involved in many acts of Chessed and Tzorchei Tzibur – including the Flatbush Chevra Kaddisha.

He leaves behind an Almanah and a Mishpacha of children.

Misaskim and other leading Askonim are working to have the Niftar flown back as soon as possible to New York for the Levaya.

Boruch Dayen Emmes…


14 Responses

  1. Boruch Dayan HaEmes. We are all shocked and saddened. Ma Asah Lanu Hashem. He was a true Bal Chessed in so many ways putting others first and his own interests last.
    His wonderful family will need much chizuk to get through this tragedy.
    We must do things for the betterment of the Klal to carry on a little bit of his work L’tzorchei Haklal.

  2. Just 48 years ago a diamond was given to Hachover Mordechai Pressburger zatzal and his Novei Bayis. At the bris they named him Yosef Eliezer, now known to many as just plain Yossi. But let me tell you, he was no ordinary fellow! He was indeed a Yosef Hatzadik as he knew exactly who to give an Aliyah on Shabbos, even if there were a few yahrzeits and a simcha taking place on the same week. Yossi was the Gabbai Rishon of Agudath Yisroel Snif Zichron Shmuel and was re-elected year in and year out.Yossi knew to whom to give the Sifrei Torahs on Simchas Torah and the system he did it with was just remarkable.His second name Eliezer which fits him well as he was the kindest and calmest person I know. I am not trying to say that he never screamed, because he did, but when he did it was for Kovod Hatorah. He was the person who would do absolutely anything for another person. He went out of his way so many times. He was involved daily in Chesed Shel Emes. He was involved with people that were less fortunate and found themselves down under. He was a true clear blue diamond and was always polishing it with all the Mitzvohs and Maasim Tovim that he was doing in his whole lifetime.He did what his father has taught him well, as his father was the Gabbai in his shul in Washington Heights. There is so much more to write about him and what he has accomplished in his lifetime of 48 years + 3 days . We will miss Yossi very much and may he be a Maylitz Yosher on his immediate family as well as his extended family and friends.

  3. Wow, I’m shocked and saddened by this terrible news. I just spoke to him the other day. He was a Nezer Haboinim for the Bonei Olam dinner. He was so upset that he couldn’t attend the dinner. A real sweet guy, with a heart of gold. Always ready with opened arms ready to help a fellow yid. He will be missed by all.

  4. I was in total shock when I heard this sad news. We are neighbors of the Pressburgers and have known them for over 12 years. I would see him and his lovely family almost every day, always smiling, always pleasant, always ready to help out. May his memory be blessed, may his family have strength to carry on. Baruch Dayan Emes.

  5. The latest information is that the Levaya will take place at Midwood Chapels on the corner of Avenue M and Coney Island Ave in Brooklyn,NY at 10:00 AM Thursday morning as Misaskim is working diligently to pick up the Niftar from Detroit,MI. We are still hoping that the levaya may take place today but that is all depending on the weather and traveling conditions. I will update the site with more information as soon as it is available. The kevura will take place in Paramus,NJ at Cedar Park Cemetery where Rabbi Breslauer of Kehilath Yaakov has karka and where both Yossi’s parents are buried.

  6. There will be a conference call Hookup at the levaya in order for those that will not be able to make it to the levaya itself. The conference calling will be set up at approximately 9:55 AM and the way to call in is the following: Please call 401/694-1602 and then press 1019#. After connecting, please dial 6 to MUTE your phone so that no-one else hears anything but what is being said at the levaya. Please refrain from any noise whatsoever as that will disturb others that are listening. Thank you very much.
    The Pressburger family will be sitting shiva at their home 1417 E 13th Street between Avenues O & N. They will be davening Shacharis @ 7:30 AM, Mincha @ 1:30 PM and Maariv @ 8:30 PM

  7. I did not know R’ Yosef but reading what is written about him makes so much sense.

    His son was my talmid last year. When I learned of his petirah this afternoon, the first thing I uttered to the person who broke the news to me was: “what a pleasant boy, left an impression on me”. The boy’s midos came from somewhere – and now everything is falling into place.

    May he be a mailitz yoisher for his heart-broken family and for the entire Klal Yisroel, Amen.

  8. As gabbai, he was in charge of alios. Unknown to him, I was visiting my son on a specific Shabbos, when, due to his own cheshbon, my son received an aliyah. My son cannot forget the joy on his face when he was told, ” My mother is daavening upstairs,” and he realized that he had been the shaliach to give happiness to a recent almonah. In so many ways, he was truly a person who was happy at the happiness of others. Yehi zichro boruch.

  9. Yasher Koach to Bond for arranging the conference call and allowing us to listen. We were unable to go to the Levaya but are still in shock. R’ Yosef was a great person and he leaves us far too soon

  10. Firstly, no thanks are necessary as I only did what I know that Yossi z”l would have wanted. He first of all would not have wanted anyone to be motriach, as that is just the type of person Yossi was. But saying that, I know he would have liked anyone that wanted to be there, but just couldnt for whatever reason, to at least hear what was being said . I have to apologize to the many callers that were unable to get onto the conference call as I had no knowledge that there would be a limit and there were those that called and heard that the conference was full to capacity. As was said by all the Maspidim ( Rabbi Eliezer Ginsberg, Rabbi Tzvi Spira, Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen, Reb Shmuel Herzog, Reb Motty Solomon, Avrohom Pressburger, Mordechai Pressburger, Reb Shmuel Simcha Donn ), Yossi please beseech the Ribono Shel Olom and help bring the Geula as soon as possible and may you be a Maylitz Yosher for your Novei Bayis and for your children. Amen Kayn Yehi Rotzoin

  11. I knew the daughters from working at various camps for developmentally disabled children. They are both really active in chesed. Hamakom Yenachem Eschem…

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