With Stepped-Up Security Detail, Bloomberg Pushes for Greater Gun Control

A somber Mayor Michael Bloomberg addressed a Brooklyn church, speaking about Saturday’s tragedy in Arizona and using the opportunity to reiterate his call against gun violence.

Bloomberg told the congregation at the Evangelical Crusade of Fishers of Men on East 31st Street that the shootings served as “terrible examples and a terrible reminder of the gun violence that happens every single day in our country.”

“We don’t know all the facts in this case yet, but we do know that every single day, 34 Americans are murdered. Every single day. Yesterday it was Judge John Roll and five other Americans and many more across the 50 states. Tomorrow, there will be another 34,” he said.

With a stepped up security detail around him, Bloomberg told the congregation he walked into the church “with a heavy heart” and said a prayer for Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who remains in critical condition and in a medically induced coma after being shot in the head.

The mayor said he would continue his efforts to cut down on the gun violence in America, which he said would continue unless people “get serious” about the issue.
“It is an uphill struggle, but if all of us join it, if all of us speak out, I believe we really can make a difference and save lives,” Bloomberg said.

(Source: WCBSTV)

5 Responses

  1. The way to cut down gun violence is to be harsher with the criminals who commit it!

    It is NOT by making guns unavailable to decent law abiding citizens who want guns to protect themselves!

    Bloomberg “with a stepped up security detail around him” has huge chutzpah to expect the rest of us to be defenseless.

  2. Your soooo right so dont plow the snow so no one could go around with a gun and like this u realy made a difference and save lifes (how many died by the snowstorm?)

  3. Liberals never let a good crisis get away without offering their ridiculous worldview as a solution.

    Every American with an above room temperate IQ should be given a fire arm.

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