Neo-Nazis Reportedly Take Over East German Village

Officials say neo-Nazis have taken over a village in east Germany, according to the Daily Telegraph.

Residents of Jamel say their village has become a pilgrimage site for the extremists and the local mayor claims that authorities have given up trying to impose order on the town.

“The police, the authorities, no one dares to intervene. The Nazis are laughing in our faces. We’ve given up on Jamel,” Mayor Uwe Wandel told the Daily Telegraph.

The paper reports that swastikas adorn houses across the village and a plaque at the entrance of town says, “Village of Jamel — free, social, national.”

“They see Jamel as a nationally liberated zone,” resident Horst Lohmeyer told the paper.

The country’s neo-Nazi National Democratic Party has been voted into power in recent years, sending eight representatives to the state parliament.

(Source: Fox News)

13 Responses

  1. History repeats itself, or Nazism has never really ended only put under wraps? What does it tell us about other German cities where it’s still under wraps?

  2. Oh please this is much ado about nothing it’s less than 1% of the German population if that so please let’s stop dramatizing this silly not even news worthy event

  3. The tragedy doesn’t begin with the Galus that you are reading in the report above.
    The Galus unfortunately exists too strongly and not even “under wraps” in our own communities where there is a strong (un)spoken segregation between the Ashkenazim and the Sefardim. Galus Yehudim is the shocking and saddest part of our lives without the Beis Hamikdash. Let us all be Mischazek in our Ahavas Yisrael and Ahavas Chinam and pray instead that we should all overcome our Yetzer Haraa for prejudice and Sinas Chinam NOW. AMEN!

  4. Basyisrol 29, Ben Melech is right, haven’t you learned anything?
    The jews who were sent to the gas chambers had alot of K’vono, but it didn’t help. What makes you think it will help now?

  5. the eye and skin color genes are just autosomal, nobody should care too heavily about their “finger nail genes”.
    actually haplogroup i and j were connected and evolved inside each other away from every other group untill reletively recently (30k yr) through snp s22. they split directly off each other to the exclusion of all other groups. the closest related thing genetically to their “aryan” y chromosome is the semitic y chromosome. the r haplogroup is extremely far genetically. r is all of mainland europe and through russia.

  6. The Nazis had their fifteen minutes and it’s over.They ain’t coming back,and if they try I’ll join whatever army it takes to make this earth Denazified.

  7. And Yidden are still buying their Mercedes and BMWs and other German products. A leopard does not change his spots
    so quickly!

  8. shev143; Yaakov Avinu braced himself with three things. ledoiren, lematonah, ulmilchoma; to which the Ramba”n adds “lehinotzel bederech milchoma”, which can mean blowing up Eisov if need to.

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